Welcome to the World Freedom Alliance Australia.
The World Freedom Alliance aims to facilitate an open platform to promote Freedom in all its forms.
We unite people around the world, to provide information and share best practice between countries.
Together, we can unite in strength, to promote Freedom, inspire Courage and give Hope in these times, please join us!
Dr Dolores Cahill, interviewed by Asia Pacific Today. May 21, 2021
The Covid-19 vaccines are new vaccines and only provisionally approved. They are still in the trial phase which ends at earliest in 2023. Brilliant they may well be, and enormously enriching for their investors, but are our Government’s providing the facts for informed choice in vaccination? Are there other risks to their rushed vaccine rollouts, including to front line medical and essential service workers? And why are so many eminent scientists and influential community leaders in our countries being silenced by social and mainstream media?
The Victorian Government recently commissioned a paper entitled Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies. We are not hopeful but will attempt to discuss the paper with one of its authors in another episode.
In the meantime, to talk about mRNA vaccines and Antibody Dependent Enhancement is Professor Dolores Cahill, a renown expert in immunology and the study of immune systems.
Latest News
Marvin Haberland Shares Results of His Court Case Against Virology in Germany
TCTL editor’s note: As shared here yesterday, Marvin Haberland went to court in Hamburg, Germany, early today with the intention of challenging the entire basis of virology. See yesterday’s article for understanding the case and the strategy.
Below you will find the announcement following the trial that appeared in German at Next Level telegram channel. You will also find […]
Marvin Haberland & Katie Sugak: On the Court Case Against Virology — April 26, 2023 in Hamburg, Germany
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What Does the Most Recent Virology Court Case Tell Us?
Of Course they Dropped the Case… Here is Why
Many eyes in the healthcare freedom movement have been on this week’s court case that was heard today in the Hamburg District Court, where the spokesperson for NEXT LEVEL, Marvin Haberland attended the hearing for the case that was brought against him for going against mandates that uphold the fraudulent […]
High-dose intravenous vitamin C, a promising multi-targeting agent in the treatment of cancer
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Hydrocortisone, Vitamin C, and Thiamine for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: A Retrospective Before-After Study
Background: The global burden of sepsis is estimated as 15 to 19 million cases annually, with a mortality rate approaching 60% in low-income countries.
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An Introduction To Digital Sovereignty
Part 1 of the Digital Sovereignty Series
The relentless waves of digital censorship we have seen since 2020 have alerted us to just how easy it is to abuse technology in aid of authoritarian means. One consequence to this has been the rapid adoption of apps like Telegram as an […]
Kenya: a testing ground for biometric-based vaccine tracking for babies
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Researchers are testing Biometric Recognition of Newborns for “VACCINATIONS”
Work has been underway for a while in the US – and research and reports say it is progressing well – to achieve an effective level of collecting people’s biometric data. From the very moment they are born.
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Biometric recognition of newborns and young children for vaccinations and health care: a non-randomized prospective clinical trial
Although universal biometrics have been broadly called for, and there are many validated technologies to recognize adults, these technologies have been ineffective in newborns and young children. The present work describes the development and clinical testing of a fingerprint capture system for longitudinal biometric recognition of newborns and young children to support vaccination and clinical follow-up.