15 05, 2023

110,000+ Australians support petition for cash and banking guarantee

May 15, 2023|Australia, CBDC, Digital ID, Finance, Human Rights, Inquiry, Law, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, UN, W.E.F.|

More than 110,000 Australians have signed a Change.org petition for an “Australian cash and banking guarantee”.

The petition was launched by Jason Bryce, who leads the “Cash Welcome” campaign which encourages all businesses to allow the option of payment in cash.

The public […]

15 05, 2023

The steps Australian political parties have taken to implement the One World Government

May 15, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Corruption, Finance, GreenWash, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Law, Military, Misinformed Media, Police, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Research, Resistance, UN, W.H.O.|


How did they take control over Australia, and why?

The destruction of our manufacturing and primary industries is all part of an international plan to create a utopian communist state.

The plan is to create a One […]

15 05, 2023

AUSTRALIA – The Timeline of Treason – By Dick Yardley

May 15, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Corruption, Finance, GreenWash, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Law, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Social Credit|

Dick was a North Queensland fruit grower who had his farm stolen by the Cairns Council because he was trying to stop fruit bats with electric grids. The Council told him to stop. He refused. It was his land… but not for long when the greedy council go their hooks into him.

15 05, 2023

Woman says she warned department before ‘abhorrent’ sexual abuse of granddaughter

May 15, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Children, Corruption, Gender, Health, Human Rights, Inquiry, Law, Misinformed Media, Police, Politics, Protest, Psychology, Resistance, Youth|

An Adelaide toddler was subjected to “abhorrent” sexual abuse as child protection authorities refused to act on concerns her father was a paedophile.

An Adelaide grandmother says she warned child protect agencies about her granddaughter's safety.
An Adelaide grandmother says she warned child protect agencies […]
15 05, 2023

Pfizer “vaccine” trial data shows alarming outcomes for pregnant women

May 15, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Children, Corruption, Doctors, Fatality, Fertility, Finance, Human Rights, illness, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Research, Vax Damage|

preprint paper published this month, shows that IgG4 antibodies are present in the umbilical cord blood of infants born to vaccinated mothers, highlighting a theoretical risk to newborns of an ineffective response to Covid infection.

This highlights […]

15 05, 2023

NSA was in charge of Operation Warspeed’s COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Development and Delivery

May 15, 2023|Abuse, Censorship, Corruption, Fatality, Fertility, Finance, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Military, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Vax Damage|

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. details how the NSA was in charge of Operation Warspeed’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, the history of the United States bioweapons program, and why Anthony Fauci is the highest-paid government official in history:

“The weird thing about the pandemic was this constant involvement by the CIA, […]

15 05, 2023

Oz Response to Covid Was ‘A Massive Overreaction’ : Peter Costello

May 15, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Consent, Corruption, Fatality, Finance, Human Rights, illness, Inquiry, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Research, Resistance, Social Credit|

Peter Costello, Australia’s longest serving federal treasurer, predicts that Australia’s response to Covid 19, when seen with hindsight in decades to come, will be considered draconian. Conditions the public were subjected to, Peter argues, were unnecessary given the middling severity of the virus.