Nigel’s twitter @PoliticalNigel
Preparation is a state of mind, that’s why Baden Powell chose it as the Scout’s motto ‘Be Prepared’. As my back garden allotment takes shape (I have no green fingers) I have to solve cultivation related problems and accumulate links and contacts. This preparation section is not a shopping list. It is a list of ideas which may be useful depending […]
Arizona Audit Update
What happens as a result of the Arizona Audit matters not just to the US but all western democracies. Last week the MSM appeared to have achieved their objective of ignoring it. BUT despite the MSM no show there is a huge undercurrent of anger, resentment and dissent at the theft and abuse of democracy; and its growing.
The CIA Can Of Worms Opened By RFK Jr.
Its brilliant… RFK Jr is a practising environmental lawyer. After 500 successful lawsuits he knows what he is talking about. It was only after a group of mothers told him about their children becoming sick after being vaccinated that he came to realise the harm the pharmaceutical companies were doing with their chemical solutions. 2Hrs long but viewed in manageable chunks […]
Blood Doctor Reveals Horrific Findings [2021-10-04] – Dr. Zandre Botha & Stew Peters (VIDEO)
Video Link: Whats in the death jabs. Horrifying.
Seeing is believing. Some of the pictures shown by blood specialist Dr Botha during analysis of her patients is beyond her medical training and practice of 15 years. You will see before and after effects on the blood of the experimental gene therapy jabs. It is […]
Facts & Science In The Vax Debate With Dr Judy Wilyman & John O’Sullivan
Published on October 3, 2021, Written by ASIA PACIFIC TODAY
There are legitimate questions surrounding Covid19 vaccines that were approved in record time and for which manufacturers and those administering it are indemnified. Of course the media has no questions, the medical profession has been silenced by regulators and the public remains ignorant of basic facts due to the might of official […]