
About nauman

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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
16 02, 2022

The origins of the MK Ultra programme in the US

February 16, 2022|Psychology + Emotional, Spirituality|0 Comments

Interesting short video on the origins of the MK Ultra programme in the US (basically started by the CIA using Nazi know-how) but also the Tavistock Institute in London – which has a very strong military psych base. – Only 10 mins –

28 01, 2022

CANADA (A huge convoy of truckers)

January 28, 2022|Health|0 Comments

  1. A huge convoy of truckers (some say 100 km long) is converging on Ottawa in Canada to protest the mandates, and plan to gridlock the city until they get an answer from the government.  Trudeau is predictably calling them a bunch of right wing extremists.  This is definitely something to watch –
  2. However, they have been raising […]
28 01, 2022

Babies being born dead and miscarriages at the moment

January 28, 2022|Health|0 Comments

There are a lot of babies being born dead and miscarriages at the moment – all around the world.  I also know of one baby born with a seriously deformed head (after the mother had been jabbed) – this is really so awful I have no words…

28 01, 2022

Chris Waldburger about the real symbolism and meaning of the masks

January 28, 2022|Health|0 Comments

MUST READ – This is a brilliant article by Chris Waldburger about the real symbolism and meaning of the masks and how it relates to the more generalised ‘facelessness’ of modern life and concurrent loss of humanity or connection to the


28 01, 2022

Ice Age Farmer

January 28, 2022|Health|0 Comments

Ice Age Farmer –  this guy Christian, is consistently good looking at all the issues around food production and supply in the world and what the greater NWO plan is….

Interestingly, Wikipedia has this to say about Salus (Latin: salus, “safety”, “salvation”, “welfare”) was the Roman goddess of safety and well-being (welfare, health and prosperity) of both the individual and the state. She is […]

28 01, 2022

A FOI request to the Office of National Statistics about the number of people who died JUST from Covid not anything else

January 28, 2022|Health|0 Comments

This has had a bit of traction on MMS recently – a FOI request to the Office of National Statistics about the number of people who died JUST from Covid not anything else

I heard it being discussed on ‘More or Less’ on Radio 4 the other day and they were saying, and not without some justification, that it’s […]