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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
9 10, 2021

Excellent interview on The Highwire last week between Dr Robert Malone and Dr Geert Vanden Bosche

October 9, 2021|Health|0 Comments

Excellent interview on The Highwire last week between Dr Robert Malone and Dr Geert Vanden Bosche – both highly qualified virologists talking about the dangers of the mass vaccination programme.  We CANNOT get to herd immunity through mass vaccination – but only if there is a buffer zone i.e. enough of us who have acquired natural immunity or young people who […]

9 10, 2021

Stew Peters talks to Carrie Madej

October 9, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Stew Peters talks to Carrie Madej who has been looking under the microscope at the jab vials.  There are all sorts of things in here that are not understandable including what appear to be self-aware tentacled ‘creatures’  Also brilliant colours appearing which seems to point to the existence of a super-conducting material in the vials.

9 10, 2021

Kieran Morrisey working in Dublin Hospital

October 9, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Kieran Morrisey working in Dublin Hospital has his own theories about the next pandemic  – Marburg, which GAVI have published a paper about recently.  The PCR test has already been created and the Rivax vaccine.  Why?  This is an incredibly rare Ebola type virus like Haemorrhagic fever – but does produce symptoms rather like the ones people are experiencing now from […]

9 10, 2021

Vaccine Deaths Report

October 9, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Prof Zelenko and David Sorenson (from have put together this amazing covid Vaccine Deaths Report.  It’s not too academic; very readable and has collated lots of really useful info in one place with all the refences.

They talk about the censorship of scientists and doctors, the Whistle blowers, the actual statistics for deaths, the personal stories of those […]

1 10, 2021

USA: Arizona Election Audit Update

October 1, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

You would think the identification of 49,000 votes cast illegally, which would give victory in Arizona to Donald Trump, would have the FBI charging in to the State with arrest warrants and water boarding paraphernalia for some enhanced interrogation of the people responsible. But no, wait… the sound of tumbleweed blowing through the captured American media, in their sections reserved for […]

1 10, 2021

The Challenge of Mass Truth Distribution during times of State Sponsored Propaganda

October 1, 2021|IT, Media + Publicity|0 Comments

We have the truth, science, facts; we urgently need to get them to the people; it’s mass distribution stupid, and there is the challenge!

Let’s face it we have been taken by surprise, the Globalist’s political and financial power is being used to grind down rule of law and democracy. Good laws and institutions protecting our health and welfare have consistently been […]

1 10, 2021

Download: Vaccine Death Report

October 1, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Stop World Control.  Download The Vaccine Death Report. The Vaccine Death Report, millions have died from the injections, by David John Sorenson and Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Md. The Vaccine Death Report reveals a horrifying reality: millions of innocent people lost their lives and hundreds of millions are suffering crippling side effects, after being injected with the experimental covid injections. The Vaccine […]

1 10, 2021

New documentary on 5G and health premieres: ‘Something is in the Air

October 1, 2021|Health|0 Comments

Is radiation from your mobile phone or telecommunication towers harmful for your health?  Or the environment?  

Are scientific conclusions tied to the interests of those who fund the studies?  How do governments make sure the radiation stays within […]

24 09, 2021

Three brave Nazi concentration camp survivors write to ICC to STOP Covid-19 vaccination

September 24, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

Three brave Nazi concentration camp survivors write request for investigation letter to ICC, Prosecutor Mr Karim Khan, to act now and stop the Covid-19 vaccination programme.

On Monday the 20th of September 2021 we were advised that Nazi concentration camp survivors sent a letter to the International Criminal Court  in support of our joint ‘Request for Investigation’ (that we the undersigned have submitted, in which we allege genocide, crimes against humanity and […]