
About nauman

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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
9 11, 2021

NIH actually has Ivermectin listed as one its approved drugs

November 9, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

Dr Bryan Ardis has been speaking up about this.  The NIH actually has Ivermectin listed as one its approved drugs for treatment of Covid – so if your Doctor is refusing to treat you or a loved one using Ivermectin, show them this page

9 11, 2021

The Scottish Government ’s controversial vaccination passport

November 9, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

The new passport app in Scotland

NHS mobile phone app which presents the personal medical information in the form of a QR Code shares data with companies including Amazon, Microsoft, ServiceNow, Royal Mail and an AI facial recognition firm.

9 11, 2021

Powerful plea from several members of the EU Parliament

November 9, 2021|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

This is a powerful plea from several members of the EU Parliament to halt these Covid passes.  It has reached the position that they themselves will soon not be allowed into the Parliament building without a Covid Pass.  Many are already losing jobs and the right to participate in society – this is clearly about our rights not about health

9 11, 2021

Interview with Joel Smalley

November 9, 2021|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

The Pandemic Podcast did an earlier interview with Joel Smalley(a Data Analyst by trade) last year.  I highly recommend this – excellent look at the latest data on the vaccine rollout and excess deaths – the link is very clear.. and Joel Smalley is very level-headed.

9 11, 2021

Warning: Chemtrails Increasing

November 9, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

I don’t know how many of you have noticed the chemtrails in the skies in the last couple of months: they’re getting pretty intense and they are stealing our sunshine!  On Friday I drove from one end of the country to the other and it was chemtrails all the way. For me this is quite honestly the last straw.  There is […]

7 11, 2021

Letter to EMA from Finnish doctors

November 7, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Below is an email/letter from Finnish doctors to the EMA on the harms being done with the current vaccination policies.


Dr Harald Enzmann, Chair Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) European Medicines Agency (EMA);

Dr. Bruno Sepodes, Vice-chair Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) European Medicines Agency (EMA);

Dr. Sabine Strauss, Chair […]

29 10, 2021

I Am Human And Wish To Remain So

October 29, 2021|Health|0 Comments

I Am Human

And Wish To Remain So.

Transhumanism Imposed On Humanity By ‘Vaccination’


Around August 2020 I was introduced to the terms Hydrogel, Luciferase and Transhumanism in a video article by Dr. Carrie Madej. She took her life in her hands when she started publicising her research what made up the contents of the experimental gene therapies […]

27 10, 2021

The $@t@N!c Agenda

October 27, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

Hi everyone


So far I’ve  focused on combating the obvious propaganda being used in this Plandemic: the jabs, the masks, the rubbish PCR tests, the disastrous lockdowns and so on, but I have come to realise that there is a deeper and darker aspect to this agenda.

David Icke has long maintained that the world is run […]