Bringing body, mind and behavior together, psychology is critical of a healthy outlook and good guidance, especially during these uncertain and fear-fueled times. Learn to recognise how psychological operations are created to manipulate your thinking and ultimately actions.
UK Medical Freedom Alliance

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance has given us permission to link to their content.
Abuse of Power in Schools and Universities
Links below provide legal letters for parents and school staff to counter misinformation on masks, isolation, vaccination and testing.

Norfolk Teenage Covid Truther
Gabriel, 19-year-old and from Norfolk, also known as ‘The Covid denier of Norfolk’, an ex-art and psychology student, provides a glimpse of a journey to awareness.
- Interviewed on the BBC East channel
- From follow conventional thinking influenced by the television media
- To awareness of the covid-19 false narrative
- By analysing the facts, distilling away the fear propaganda e.g., daily death-toll, PCR tests etc., Gabriel gained insights into the political mind games being played
- Dealing with a relationship break-up and a peer-group bent on blind compliance, Gabriel sees the urgency in protecting our freedoms
Latest Psychology News
May 2023
Parliamentary scrutiny works! Westpac reverses branch closures
The campaign against bank branch closures, which achieved the establishment of the current Senate inquiry into bank closures in regional Australia, has had a major victory. Yesterday Westpac informed the Member for Kennedy Bob Katter and other local MPs that it had reversed its decision to close its branches in Gatton, Cloncurry, Ingham, and Tully [...]
Big wins, but gaps remain: European Parliament Committees vote to secure key rights protections in AI Act
In a victory for fundamental rights, the European Parliament’s Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) text has been given the green light in the Committees for Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) and for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). The AI Act is a cornerstone legislation that should ensure people across the EU and [...]
How Junk Food Rewires Your Brain
Story at a glance: If you’re like most people, you are consuming an unhealthy amount of sugar on a regular basis hidden in processed food, added by the teaspoon to coffee and tea, or used to sweeten candy, cakes and beverages. Researchers found participants who ate high-fat, high-sugar snacks experienced changes in neural encoded responses [...]
‘Data Are Unequivocal’: Florida Surgeon General Fires Back at FDA, CDC on COVID Vaccines
Claiming that a “lack of transparency only harms Americans’ faith in science,” Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, M.D., Ph.D., this week called on the nation’s top public health officials to “publicly” explain 12 key issues related to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. In a letter sent Wednesday to U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert [...]
EcoHealth Alliance receive $2m in US taxpayer cash to study risky BAT CORONAVIRUSES that could start next pandemic – as NIH restarts grant suspended 3 years ago by Trump
The NIH has renewed a previously suspended grant to The nonprofit is at the center of the lab leak theory after sending funds to WIV The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is under fire after renewing its grant to research bat coronaviruses with EcoHealth Alliance — the non-profit at the center of the Covid lab [...]
Councils call off drag storytime and LGBTQ+ events in Victoria after far-right threats
Frock Hudson, the drag alter ego of Dean Arcuri, has had several family-friendly LGBTQ+ events cancelled. Drag performer who had four IDAHOBIT events cancelled said councils felt they could not create a safe environment Several councils across Victoria have quietly cancelled drag queen storytime and LGBTQ+ events after threats from far-right groups. Last week Monash [...]