Information/data is the new commodity that tyrannical governments and fascistic corporations harvest from our digital footprints across the internet using scalable and tireless “bot” programmes, which feed the collected data into factories (Artificial Intelligence algorithms) to manufacture media spin + publicity, to predict, impact and influence our behavior at a sub-conscious level.    IT + Media + Publicity are the tools of the 21st century for tyrants to administer “all seeing” control.  Let’s turn the table and use it for good and get back our freedoms.

If you would like your videos, organisation, website or media channel to be featured here please contact us.

Corbett Report: Who is Bill Gates?


A look at one of the riches men in the world, from being the co-founder of Microsoft to self-proclaimed health expert, as the biggest funder to the WHO and Rockerfeller styled philanthropist.  This in-depth documentary will show you the real face behind the “Gates”.  Must watch.

Corbett Report: Digitally Burning the Internet


The Corbett Report: We all know the story of the Library of Alexandria, the vast repository of ancient texts that was burnt to the ground by Caesar in 48 B.C. While the story itself isn’t accurate, it speaks to us today as we face the digital book burnings that are threatening the modern-day Library of Alexandria: the internet.

Moral of the story: make hard copies of documents, internet pages, information, because one day they could burn down the internet – Google has lit the flames already!

Media: Facts about covid-19 – Propaganda Watch


Fully referenced facts about covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment.

SPR: Shadow Banning – Old Wine, New Bottles


SPR: Former NKVD chief Nikolay Yezhov got removed from a photograph with Stalin, though not for asking questions about vaccine adverse events

SPR: Wikipedia – A Disinformation Operation?


SPR: Wikipedia is generally thought of as an open, transparent, and mostly reliable online encyclopedia. Yet upon closer inspection, this turns out not to be the case.

In fact, the English Wikipedia with its 9 billion worldwide page views per month is governed by just 500 active administrators, whose real identity in many cases remains unknown.

Latest News for Media and IT

May 2023

These Are The 13 Families In The World That Apparently Control Everything – From Politics To Terrorism

By |May 15, 2023|Categories: Censorship, Corruption, Finance, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Social Credit|

"I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the  British Empire and I control the British money supply." - Nathan Mayer Rothschild Some say, in an attempt to restore "balance" in the world, a New World Order was formed. [...]

Why are PCR and Rapid/Antigen tests false and fraudulent?

By |May 15, 2023|Categories: Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Corruption, Doctors, Finance, History, Human Rights, illness, Inquiry, International, Law, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Privacy, Propaganda, Psychology, Research, Resistance, Technology, UN, W.H.O.|

The covid tests do not detect viruses or variants. Instead, they detect chemicals/molecules, called RNAs and (spike) proteins, presumed, not shown, to be part of the SARS-COV-2 virus. These RNA and protein molecules can come from many different sources, including the body’s cell degradations, food one consumes, or bacteria. Unfortunately, medical experts assume that these [...]

Why Vaccine Mandates are Unethical

By |May 15, 2023|Categories: Abuse, Australia, Children, Consent, Doctors, Fatality, Fertility, Finance, History, Human Rights, illness, Inquiry, International, Military, Misinformed Media, Police, Politics, Privacy, Propaganda, Psychology, Social Credit, Technology, Vax Damage|

Summary of the strongest ethical arguments against vaccine mandates Summary of the three strongest arguments against the ethical permissibility of vaccine mandates and why any medical procedure imposed by coercion must be refused. 1. Vaccine mandates imply that all humans are born in a defective, inherently harmful state that must be biotechnologically augmented to allow [...]

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, MD, one of the heroes of our movement, will be on trial May 23rd for “incitement of the masses”

By |May 15, 2023|Categories: Abuse, Censorship, Consent, Corruption, Doctors, Finance, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Law, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Research, Resistance, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, Vax Damage|

Does it get any more Orwellian than this? Please watch this space - I'm trying to find out how we can help him. For those of you who don’t know him, Dr Bhakdi is an esteemed and extensively-published microbiologist living in Germany who has spoken out loudly and often against COVID restrictions and the experimental [...]

France: Reinstating unvaccinated healthcare workers: ‘I couldn’t hold back the tears’

By |May 15, 2023|Categories: Consent, Doctors, Finance, Health, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Protest, Psychology, Research, Resistance, Social Credit, Vax Damage|

The repeal of covid vaccination requirement for healthcare professionals voted in the French Parliament. Ref:  LCP: The Gauche Démocratique et Républicaine group’s bill to repeal the covid-19 vaccination obligation in the medical sectors and to reinstate suspended professionals was adopted against the government’s advice on Thursday, May 4th, 2023, by 157 votes in favor [...]

Most COVID-19 Deaths May Be The Result of a Completely Different Infection – Bacterial Pneumonia.

By |May 14, 2023|Categories: Abuse, AI, Fatality, Human Rights, illness, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Research, Technology|

COVID-19 is no longer classed as a global health emergency by the World Health Organization, but scientists are still working hard to understand more about the virus and its impact – including how the coronavirus affects the body and leads to death. A new analysis suggests that a high percentage of people who required help [...]