May 2023

The Governments Really Don’t Like Us Very Much…

By |May 25, 2023|Categories: Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Consent, Corruption, Doctors, Education, Environment, Finance, Food Supply, GreenWash, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Slavery, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, UN, Vax Damage, W.H.O., Youth|

Do you really think that the scamdemic was the first time our governments tried to kill us? Think again. Actually THINK full stop! The following information was inspired by the video above by Defender of the Republic on YouTube and compiled by Just-Ice. It is sobering to understand that our governments really don’t care [...]

Australia Ordered Social Media To Censor Covid-Related Posts Over 4,000 Times

By |May 25, 2023|Categories: Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Consent, Corruption, Digital ID, Fatality, Fertility, Finance, GreenWash, Human Rights, Law, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Research, Resistance, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, UN, Vax Damage, W.H.O., Youth|

A freedom of information request filed by the South Australia Liberal Senator Alex Antic showed that the federal government made over 4,000 requests in three years to get posts about COVID-19 removed from online platforms. “It is entirely unclear to me why the Department of Home Affairs, a department which is primarily charged with the [...]

Legal ways Stop a Trans Exposure on Ozzie Kids

By |May 23, 2023|Categories: Abuse, Australia, Children, Consent, Education, Finance, Gender, GreenWash, Human Rights, Inquiry, Law, Politics, Propaganda, Research, Resistance, Social Credit, UN|

Many parents are increasingly concerned about transvestites being allowed into schools and libraries, dressed in absurd and scary drag costume, to read sexually oriented books to children. Until now, there has not been a solution available to put a stop to this blatant attempt to destroy our children’s innocence. Sending drag queens into schools and [...]

Analysis of health outcomes in vaccinated and unvaccinated children: Developmental delays, asthma, ear infections and gastrointestinal disorders

By |May 23, 2023|Categories: Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Children, Fatality, Fertility, Finance, History, Human Rights, illness, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Research, Resistance, Social Credit, UN, Vax Damage, W.H.O., Youth|

Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the health of vaccinated versus unvaccinated pediatric populations. Methods: Using data from three medical practices in the United States with children born between November 2005 and June 2015, vaccinated children were compared to unvaccinated children during the first year of life for later incidence of [...]

Sisters Inside Condemns Palaszczuk’s Youth Crime Crackdown, as Viable Alternatives Exist

By |May 22, 2023|Categories: Abuse, Australia, Children, Finance, Gender, Human Rights, Law, Police, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Slavery, Social Credit, UN, Youth|

The Palaszczuk government announced last week that it plans to build another children’s gaol in Woodford, right next door to the adult maximum-security facility in the local corrections precinct, which comes on the back of its decision last October to build another kiddie prison in Cairns. If these plans trigger questions as to which young people the Sunshine [...]

WHO ‘Should Be Declared a Terrorist Organization’: Croatian European Parliament Member

By |May 22, 2023|Categories: Abuse, AI, Australia, CBDC, Censorship, Children, Climate Change, Consent, Corruption, Digital ID, EMR, Fatality, Fertility, Finance, Food Supply, Gender, GreenWash, History, Human Rights, illness, Inquiry, International, Law, Military, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Privacy, Propaganda, Psychology, Slavery, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, UN, Vax Damage, W.E.F., W.H.O.|

In a controversial announcement, Mislav Kolakušić, a Croatian representative in the European Parliament, has denounced the World Health Organization (WHO) as a terrorist entity. This proclamation was made during a press conference. The fundamental objection Kolakušić raised was against a proposed agreement by the WHO, whereby nations would surrender the authority to declare pandemics, as [...]