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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
14 08, 2021

Russia the new Surveillance Infrastructure is being rolled out

August 14, 2021|Psychology + Emotional, Security + Defence|0 Comments

Meanwhile in Russia the new Surveillance Infrastructure is being rolled out on their metro with facial recognition (even if you’re wearing a mask – so really eye recognition I guess!)

14 08, 2021

Weather wars

August 14, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Connected to this – which Christian mentions in video above is the alleged ‘weather wars’.  This is an interesting and rather balanced article on HAARP.

The capacity to manipulate the weather certainly exists but are they actually doing it?  Or is HAARP a way of controlling and manipulating our psychological behaviour?

14 08, 2021


August 14, 2021|Medicine + Science, Politics + Activism|0 Comments

I like to check in and watch The Ice Age Farmer from time to time.

He’s doing a great job of keeping track of the global picture.  It is definitely possible that weather is being manipulated to bring about shortages and create world hunger… but dramatic weather changes there are. This means some countries (India and Brazil for example) […]

13 08, 2021

Declaration of Human Sovereignty and Freedom

August 13, 2021|Law + Human Rights|0 Comments

Declaration of Human Sovereignty and Freedom 

Natural rights and freedoms exist because of our intrinsic humanness. Natural rights are neither negotiable, extinguishable, nor do they lapse. We declare that all governments must recognize this sacred attribute as existing prior to the formation of any governments, and that this attribute is not of their creation.

We hold the following freedoms for all inhabitants of […]

12 08, 2021

Coronavirus, the cure is there but it is not mentioned. From Pavia and Mantua the turning point

August 12, 2021|Health, Medicine + Science|0 Comments

And I don’t know if you saw this but Robin Monotti has tweeted this a couple of weeks ago

Giuseppe de Donno has been found dead at his home in Italy. Italian media is reporting suicide. The significance of this is that Donno had found a cure that was working for Covid and had been using it successfully in his hospital in […]

12 08, 2021

The most vaccine-hesitant group of all? PhDs

August 12, 2021|Medicine + Science, Politics + Activism, Psychology + Emotional, Security + Defence|0 Comments

Meanwhile, contrary to what the mainstream media would have you believe it seems that the most educated group in society (certainly in the US) are the most vax-hesitant.  I think that says a lot.
“So not only are the most educated people most skeptical of taking the Covid vaccine, they are also the least likely to change their minds about it… ”

12 08, 2021

Executing bail-in: an operational guide from the Bank of England

August 12, 2021|Economics, Business + Finance|0 Comments

Meanwhile the Bank of England are issuing guidelines for a bail-in.

Oh dear.  What does this mean?  This means that if they see fit they can start giving haircuts to our personal bank accounts and take all money over a certain amount.  It means they are adding daylight robbery to their tool box!  They did this in Greece when […]