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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
26 08, 2021

Judy Mikovits says that the original covid and later variants were purposely created

August 26, 2021|Health|0 Comments

Judy Mikovits says that the original covid and later variants were purposely created and were / are injected in  vaccines; first of all in the flu v@cx to create the first covid wave – video below, about 45 minute mark onwards.

Dr. Judy Mikovits interviewed by the Health Ranger: Fauci’s covid crimes aren’t his first “plandemic”

26 08, 2021

Robin Monotti

August 26, 2021|Health, Law + Human Rights, Politics + Activism|0 Comments

From Robin Monotti page – Freedom of Information request to the MHRA asking for the details of the covid vaccines was refused. If we’re not allowed to know what’s in them, how can we be expected to take them?

Another FOI REQUEST shared by a UK scientist (PhD):

“Recently I made two FOI requests to the MHRA.

Please provide me with the:

1 Full nucleotide […]

26 08, 2021

The truth about relative risk reduction versus absolute risk reduction

August 26, 2021|Health|0 Comments

This is an excellent short article in off-guardian about the jabs and the truth about relative risk reduction versus absolute risk reduction.

Tragically, panic-stricken masses are deluded with the propaganda that these injections are 95% efficacious. This is a useless metric based on relative risk reduction. The absolute risk reduction is around 1%. Millions are unwittingly participating in an unprecedented […]

26 08, 2021

I enjoyed watching this episode of the High Wire (Episode 226)

August 26, 2021|Health, IT, Media + Publicity, Medicine + Science|0 Comments

I enjoyed watching this episode of the High Wire  (Episode 226) and hearing Fauci basically admit that the vaXine has failed  (at 9;35 mins)– ha ha!

“Now that we have the Delta variant that has changed everything because when you look at the nasal pharynx of a vaccinated person who gets a breakthrough infection with Delta IT IS EXACTLY […]

26 08, 2021

Interesting clip from Fox News

August 26, 2021|Law + Human Rights, Politics + Activism, Psychology + Emotional|0 Comments

Interesting clip from Fox News questioning the narrative that is blaming the unvaxxed and talking to Dr Bridle about the reality i.e. that those who have natural immunity are much better protected and it is the vaxxed who are putting pressure on the virus to mutate  etc. useful short clip.

17 08, 2021

Is This the Road to Totalitarianism

August 17, 2021|Law + Human Rights, Politics + Activism, Psychology + Emotional|0 Comments

People can tell themselves that they didn’t see where things have been heading for the last 17 months, but they did. They saw all the signs along the way. The signs were all written in big, bold letters, some of them in scary-looking Germanic script. They read … “THIS IS THE ROAD TO TOTALITARIANISM.”

I’m not going to show you all those […]

14 08, 2021

I like this Hugo Talks short podcast

August 14, 2021|IT, Media + Publicity, Politics + Activism, Psychology + Emotional|0 Comments

I like this Hugo Talks short podcast

People have been calling the BBC and dropping truth bombs about the jabs and then getting cut off which is a powerful message to the world in itself.  Great idea – I think we should all be trying this!

14 08, 2021

Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole

August 14, 2021|Health|0 Comments

Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole shows why the vax is deadly with cell samples (photos of changes) damaged by the vax: (17 mins)

Cole gives brilliant talk to other doctors at the White Coat Summit. He doesn’t mince words on how INSANE it is to have 11 THOUSAND deaths from the (so-called) vaccine, which even the CDC labelled an experimental jab. So, FINALLY […]