
About nauman

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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
5 01, 2022

Travis Scott gig in Atlanta

January 5, 2022|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

And one of the things she mentions is the Travis Scott gig in Atlanta.  Travis Scott is a big music star/ rapper in the US but this huge gig that he held was generally agreed to be totally satanic, leading to many deaths and huge numbers of injuries (again further evidence of the links between the music industry and Satanism in […]

5 01, 2022

Elana Freeland

January 5, 2022|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

I’ve also  shared videos with Elana Freeland before but she is well worth listening to in terms of really grasping the bigger picture in terms of nano-technology, the chem trails, the GMO foods, the Morgellons fibres and all the ways in which we are already being ‘engineered’ for transhumanism.  She also mentions Satanism in passing, which is why I have included […]

5 01, 2022

MK Ultra victim

January 5, 2022|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

Fascinating interview with an MK Ultra victim who has survived and de-programmed. (First 40 mins of this programme)

It then goes on to show a short interview with John Paul Rice (as above) and from 54 mins an interview with Jeanette Archer (which is well worth listening to, although I have shared a video from her before)

5 01, 2022

RE: Down the Rabbit Hole

January 5, 2022|Adelia Tisdall|0 Comments

The Satanism is real.  It’s endemic in Hollywood and the Military and clearly among our ruling elites.  If you haven’t yet seen the film ‘Out of the Shadows’ made by the two Stuntmen in Hollywood it’s well worth seeing.  The long interview with Althiyan Childs (Australia’s Got Talent winner who really started to see what was happening on the inside) is […]

5 01, 2022

Putting together a lot of what we know so far about the jabs

January 5, 2022|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

Excellent article putting together a lot of what we know so far about the jabs and highlighting the huge excess deaths spike that we have now which is NOT Covid.

5 01, 2022

More and more and more… on the V!

January 5, 2022|Adelia Tisdall|0 Comments

Maybe we’ll start with a bit of humour. I really enjoyed J P Sears demonstration of how the FDA functions

and this lesson in How to speak Bidenese really cracked me up –  –

as we all need a laugh in these dark days.