Welcome to the World Freedom Alliance Australia.
The World Freedom Alliance aims to facilitate an open platform to promote Freedom in all its forms.
We unite people around the world, to provide information and share best practice between countries.
Together, we can unite in strength, to promote Freedom, inspire Courage and give Hope in these times, please join us!
Dr Dolores Cahill, interviewed by Asia Pacific Today. May 21, 2021
The Covid-19 vaccines are new vaccines and only provisionally approved. They are still in the trial phase which ends at earliest in 2023. Brilliant they may well be, and enormously enriching for their investors, but are our Government’s providing the facts for informed choice in vaccination? Are there other risks to their rushed vaccine rollouts, including to front line medical and essential service workers? And why are so many eminent scientists and influential community leaders in our countries being silenced by social and mainstream media?
The Victorian Government recently commissioned a paper entitled Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies. We are not hopeful but will attempt to discuss the paper with one of its authors in another episode.
In the meantime, to talk about mRNA vaccines and Antibody Dependent Enhancement is Professor Dolores Cahill, a renown expert in immunology and the study of immune systems.
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WHO’s Pandemic Treaty debate scheduled for 17th April.
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Here is the document that you and I are apparently NOT “authorized” to see:
German Health Minister Confesses to Serious Vaccine Damage
While Biden Extends US Vaccination Entry Requirement
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The Final Brick in the Vaccine Efficacy Narrative
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