16 04, 2023

Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations launches $3.5 billon strategy to develop new vaccines within 100 days

April 16, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Consent, Corruption, Fatality, Fertility, Finance, History, Human Rights, illness, International, Military, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, UN, Vax Damage, W.E.F., W.H.O.|

An international coalition has set out what it calls a “moonshot” plan to ensure the development of new vaccines against emerging epidemics within 100 days.

Key points:

  • CEPI says more needs to be done urgently to mitigate the threat posed by new COVID-19 variants
  • CEPI says more needs to be done urgently to mitigate the threat posed by new COVID-19 variants
16 04, 2023

New South Wales government urged to withdraw thousands of COVID fines

April 16, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Corruption, Finance, History, Human Rights, Law, Misinformed Media, Police, Politics, Protest, Psychology, Research, Resistance, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology|

Thousands of COVID fines issued by the New South Wales Police and government could be invalid following an unprecedented Supreme Court trial.

The Supreme Court has urged the New South Wales government to withdraw over 29,000 remaining COVID-19 […]

16 04, 2023

U.S. Department of Defense issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist

April 16, 2023|Abuse, Censorship, Corruption, Fatality, Fertility, Finance, History, Human Rights, illness, Inquiry, International, Law, Military, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Research, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, UN, Vax Damage, W.E.F., W.H.O.|

The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was […]

16 04, 2023

The World’s Plummeting Fertility Rate

April 16, 2023|Abuse, Censorship, Children, Consent, Corruption, Fertility, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Pregnancy, Psychology, Social Credit, Technology, Youth|

At the dawn of the 19th century, the world population hit a big milestone: 1 billion people.

Over the next 220 years, the number grew to eight times that, or the 8 billion people who live on the planet today, with half of […]

16 04, 2023

Australian Electoral Commission launches referendum disinformation register

April 16, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Consent, Finance, History, Human Rights, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Research, Resistance, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, UN, W.E.F.|

Mistruths and disinformation will be targeted by the Australian Electoral Commission as Aussies get set to have their say on the Voice to parliament.

The Australian Electoral Commission will provide Aussies with insight into any mistruths spread about the processes involved in the upcoming proposed Voice to parliament referendum.

15 04, 2023

The Peer-Review Process For Covid PCR Tests “Was Rigged” Says Dr. Simon Goddek

April 15, 2023|Abuse, Censorship, Corruption, Finance, Human Rights, illness, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Propaganda, Psychology, Research, Resistance, Social Credit, Technology, UN, W.H.O.|

After going viral, Dr. Goddek was promptly banned from Twitter – and it took over a year for his account to be reinstated. Why silence Dr. Goddek if “the science” fully supported their claims about Covid PCR tests?

Episode Details

15 04, 2023

The IMF Has Just Unveiled A New Global Currency Known As The “Universal Monetary Unit” That Is Supposed To Revolutionize The World Economy

April 15, 2023|CBDC, Consent, Digital ID, Finance, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Politics, Psychology, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, UN, W.E.F.|

A new global currency just launched, but 99 percent of the global population has no idea what just happened.  The “Universal Monetary Unit”, also known as “Unicoin”, is an “international central bank digital currency” that has been designed to work in […]

15 04, 2023

Bureau Releases Limited Parallel Data from Brisbane Airport

April 15, 2023|Australia, Climate Change, Consent, Corruption, Environment, Finance, GreenWash, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, Law, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Resistance, Social Credit, Technology, UN, W.E.F.|

How accurate is the official temperature history for your city or town?

Statistical analysis of 3 years of maximum temperature data for Brisbane airport shows the temperatures recorded from the probe in an automatic weather station are significantly different from the mercury […]

15 04, 2023

Coles Financial Services confirms historic records stolen in Latitude Financial hack

April 15, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Consent, Digital ID, Finance, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, Law, Misinformed Media, Politics, Privacy, Psychology, Social Credit, Technology, W.E.F.|

Until recently, Latitude also offered a Buy Now, Pay Later service called LatitudePay. Supplied.
Until recently, Latitude also offered a Buy Now, Pay Later service called LatitudePay

The fallout from a “sophisticated and malicious cyber-attack” on an Australian financial firm continues to spread, with Coles Financial […]