10 04, 2023

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. blasts CBDCs and digital IDs

April 10, 2023|CBDC, Consent, Digital ID, Finance, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, UN, W.E.F., W.H.O.|

Kennedy pushing back against centralized control.

Environmental attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has revealed his intention to join the 2024 Democratic presidential race, setting his sights on the White House. This revelation emerged as Kennedy filed documents with the United States Federal Election […]

10 04, 2023

“Enough Is Enough” Is Not a Policy Position, as Wong Doubles Down on Burying Assange

April 10, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Corruption, Fatality, Finance, Human Rights, International, Military, Misinformed Media, Police, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Resistance, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology|


The Albanese government’s politicking on Assange has done many things. It’s provided attention, where they’d been a lack under Morrison. It’s given hope to supporters, even if that’s fast dwindling. And it’s bestowed the PM and cabinet with a justice-seeking, rights-upholding sheen.

10 04, 2023

Call for urgent inquiry into irreversible gender changes.

April 10, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Consent, Corruption, Doctors, Fertility, Gender, Human Rights, Inquiry, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Pregnancy, Psychology, Resistance, Social Credit, Youth|

Woman sues psychiatrist after he approved her hormone therapy to transition into a man after a single appointment – leaving her unable to get pregnant!

Dr Patrick Toohey approved the treatment for Jay Langadinos before later giving the go-ahead for surgeries […]

10 04, 2023

Top 10 donors contribute 76.9% of all political donations in 2022

April 10, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Consent, Corruption, Finance, Inquiry, Law, Politics, Psychology, Social Credit|

The latest AEC disclosures show that big donors continue to dominate the funding of parties, and campaign spending remains at record levels.

From 1998-2021 the top 5% of donors funded 76.4% of all donations.

In 2022 the top 10 individual donors contributed $137.5 million to parties and […]

10 04, 2023

Oz – FOI delays double in 10 years

April 10, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Consent, Corruption, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, Law, Misinformed Media, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Social Credit|

FOI delays outside the statutory 30-day period have doubled in the past 10 years, according to new research by the Centre for Public Integrity.

As well as systemic delays, the research finds that FOI refusals have increased 50%, while requests granted in full have fallen 30%.

The […]

10 04, 2023

How Do We Make Organic, Nutrient-Dense Food Affordable for Everyone?

April 10, 2023|Environment, Finance, Food Supply, GreenWash, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pesticides, Pharma, Politics, Pollution, Propaganda, Psychology, Resistance, Social Credit, Solutions|

Instead of giving big corporations “bogus” carbon credits while they continue to degrade soil, air and water quality, we should pay authentic organic and regenerative farmers for the beneficial ecosystem services they provide.

Story at a glance: 

9 04, 2023

Debate over the Voice to Parliament runs hot in WA’s Kimberley region

April 9, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Consent, Corruption, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, Law, Politics, Psychology, Resistance, Social Credit, UN, W.E.F., W.H.O.|

Donny Imberlong 2
Jaru man Donny Imberlong has concerns about the Voice to Parliament.(ABC Kimberley: Ted O’Connor)

A WA region with 37 per cent Indigenous population is divided by what a Voice to Parliament could mean.

Aboriginal people living in the Kimberley

9 04, 2023

‘The High Court will be involved’ – The Voice

April 9, 2023|Abuse, Australia, Consent, Corruption, Finance, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, Law, Misinformed Media, Politics, Psychology, Resistance, Social Credit, UN, W.E.F., W.H.O.|

The Institute of Public Affairs’s Daniel Wild this week left Australians in doubt about how bad this Constitutional rewrite would be.

On ABC Perth, he spoke about the IPA’s research into what he described as New Zealand’s Maori Voice, called the Waitangi […]