Information/data is the new commodity that tyrannical governments and fascistic corporations harvest from our digital footprints across the internet using scalable and tireless “bot” programmes, which feed the collected data into factories (Artificial Intelligence algorithms) to manufacture media spin + publicity, to predict, impact and influence our behavior at a sub-conscious level. IT + Media + Publicity are the tools of the 21st century for tyrants to administer “all seeing” control. Let’s turn the table and use it for good and get back our freedoms.
If you would like your videos, organisation, website or media channel to be featured here please contact us.
Corbett Report: Who is Bill Gates?
A look at one of the riches men in the world, from being the co-founder of Microsoft to self-proclaimed health expert, as the biggest funder to the WHO and Rockerfeller styled philanthropist. This in-depth documentary will show you the real face behind the “Gates”. Must watch.
Corbett Report: Digitally Burning the Internet
The Corbett Report: We all know the story of the Library of Alexandria, the vast repository of ancient texts that was burnt to the ground by Caesar in 48 B.C. While the story itself isn’t accurate, it speaks to us today as we face the digital book burnings that are threatening the modern-day Library of Alexandria: the internet.
Moral of the story: make hard copies of documents, internet pages, information, because one day they could burn down the internet – Google has lit the flames already!
Media: Facts about covid-19 – Propaganda Watch

Fully referenced facts about covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment.
SPR: Shadow Banning – Old Wine, New Bottles

SPR: Former NKVD chief Nikolay Yezhov got removed from a photograph with Stalin, though not for asking questions about vaccine adverse events
SPR: Wikipedia – A Disinformation Operation?
SPR: Wikipedia is generally thought of as an open, transparent, and mostly reliable online encyclopedia. Yet upon closer inspection, this turns out not to be the case.
In fact, the English Wikipedia with its 9 billion worldwide page views per month is governed by just 500 active administrators, whose real identity in many cases remains unknown.
Latest News for Media and IT
May 2023
BBC wants to be the sole source of truth and it’s getting roasted for it
Marianna Spring, BBC’s chief covid fact-suppressor, presented a rather pathetic video to introduce ‘BBC Verify’. For those of us who didn’t quite understand what Spring was on about, We Got a Problem replays Spring’s video and adds a simple and easy-to-understand commentary. We Got a Problem: The BBC’s Ministry of Truth is Getting Roasted, [...]
British MPs write to Foreign Office about Pandemic Treaty designed to increase WHO’s powers
British Members of Parliament (“MPs”) say a new pandemic treaty will give the United Nations’ World Health Organisation (“WHO”) the power to impose lockdowns on signatories, despite corporate media claims to the contrary. A letter from six Conservative MPs to Andrew Mitchell, a Foreign Office minister, calls for a Commons vote on the draft treaty and [...]
Australian Senate Votes Not To Investigate Excess Deaths
Now it should be clear......they don't even want to know the truth In one of the most grotesque votes ever taken in the Australian Senate, a majority of Senators voted NOT TO INVESTIGATE THE UNEXPLAINED NON-COVID EXCESS DEATHS WHICH HAVE OCCURRED SINCE THE INTRODUCTION OF THE COVID-19 “VACCINES”. This is horrifying and terrifying. If there [...]
More than 8 per cent of young school children now on NDIS
Experts say perverse incentives are driving families to seek more severe autism diagnoses to receive support for their struggling kids, as schools and early childhood systems are not providing enough support.Credit: Getty More than 8 per cent of young school-aged children are participants of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, fuelling concerns that more severe autism [...]
8% of Australia’s children are now disabled! The sickest generation of children ever…
8 out of 100 students are now on the NDIS. Over 15 years ago, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released a figure from a census that had been conducted at the time. I am doing this from memory so excuse me if this is off by a percentage point or two. At that time, 48% [...]
Indigenous leader Fred Pascoe says the Voice is still mysterious to many people
Indigenous leader Fred Pascoe says the Voice needs to drive economic growth in communities.(ABC Far North: Kristy Sexton-McGrath) Prominent Indigenous leaders from Australia's north are calling on the federal government to give people more information about the Voice to Parliament or risk a no vote. Key points: An Indigenous leader says economic development is the [...]