From the dawn of time, stable societies trade to enrich each other lives and build better relations. Tyrants know to destabilise a free society, business (especially small, hard to corrupt businesses) needs to be eradicated first, in favour of state/centrally controlled national corporations. These dispassionate behemoth enterprises, then become tools of the tyranny, along with central bank driven economics and finance policies.
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Achieve Financial Freedom & Money Management
Wheelbarrow Profits: Today, Jake and Gino talk about how to achieve financial freedom and money management with G. Edward Griffin on this personal finance podcast interview.
Latest Economic News
May 2023
Federal government settles $132.7m PFAS contamination case
Firefighters using foam containing PFAS, which can leach into groundwater as the chemicals don’t break down. About 30,000 Australians, impacted by groundwater poisoning from firefighting foam, will share in a payout from the federal government. The federal government has settled a $132.7m class action lawsuit over a toxic firefighting foam which contaminated water tables at [...]
Fired Teachers Who Refused COVID Vaccine to Get Full Reinstatement and Back Pay
A COVID-19 vaccination hub at Central Falls High School in Central Falls, Rhode Island, on Feb. 13, 2021 Three Rhode Island teachers who were fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine have been offered their jobs back with full back pay after reaching a settlement with the school district. Teachers Stephanie Hines, Brittany DiOrio, and Kerri [...]
Demand democratic accountability for the Reserve Bank and banking system All Australians must oppose the plot to strip the elected government of its power to overrule the unelected RBA, and communicate their opposition to Jim Chalmers, Angus Taylor, and their local MP (see end). The Australian Citizens Party (ACP) is calling on all Australians to stand up against the agreement between Treasurer Jim Chalmers [...]
110,000+ Australians support petition for cash and banking guarantee
More than 110,000 Australians have signed a petition for an “Australian cash and banking guarantee”. The petition was launched by Jason Bryce, who leads the “Cash Welcome” campaign which encourages all businesses to allow the option of payment in cash. The public support for this petition runs counter to the banks’ claims that Australians [...]
The steps Australian political parties have taken to implement the One World Government
How did they take control over Australia, and why? The destruction of our manufacturing and primary industries is all part of an international plan to create a utopian communist state. The plan is to create a One World Government, led by a shadowy group of bankers, industrialists and top military, known by various names, including [...]
AUSTRALIA – The Timeline of Treason – By Dick Yardley
Dick was a North Queensland fruit grower who had his farm stolen by the Cairns Council because he was trying to stop fruit bats with electric grids. The Council told him to stop. He refused. It was his land… but not for long when the greedy council go their hooks into him. As a result, [...]