Paint a new life with a rainbow of art, music, culture and song.
BMJ article
BMJ article – Pfizer whistleblower on integrity issues with vaccine trials
Paint a new life with a rainbow of art, music, culture and song.
BMJ article – Pfizer whistleblower on integrity issues with vaccine trials
Great talk from Dr Byram Bridle at rally in Toronto. He is a viral immunologist and vaccinologist and highly qualified to speak. This is not a real vaccine
He talks about how cancers re-emerge after the jab and are impossible to treat. (I’ve actually reported this before – Dr Robert Young has said this and the Pathologist Dr Ryan […]
Elana Freeland website with many more fascinating videos is here:
Another fascinating video on The Space Fence and Living Under an Ionised Sky
For me she is another of these amazing women who have really joined the dots in their particular areas – and I include in that, Catherine Austin-Fitts, Deborah McDonald (wrench in the Gears) and Dolores Cahill.
She has also just published a book about Geo-engineered Transhumanism
This is an amazing conversation with Elana Freeland who has clearly been investigating all this stuff for years. She talks about the transhuman agenda and the way the jabs are being used to bring about changes to our DNA with the ultimate purpose of making us controllable. She has lots of fascinating things to say about the bigger spiritual picture, also […]
Following on from my chemtrail rage last week I have been looking a bit more into this phenomenon. Very interesting talk here from Clifford Carnicom, who has been investigating “chemtrails” and what they might be about for over 20 years. He talks about some of the metal salts (nano-particles) in the aerosols and how they can be used to create an […]
Fascinating interview with Gregory Paul Martin (son of Beatles Producer George Martin)
With James Delingpole (audio version) (video interview)
Gregory is an astrologer and in fact is advising Reiner Fuellmich on the best time to take forward his legal case – and says if he starts it on this date he will win. I love what this […]
In the history of American politics, no family has done more to serve the people than the Kennedys.
Both John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy paid the ultimate price for daring to expose […]
The courts are backing the Covid vaccine madness
By Sally Beck, The Conservative Woman, November 9, 2021
IN THE last few weeks the High Court has thrown out two big Covid vaccine legal challenges. Last Tuesday they said No to a judicial review to stop mandatory vaccination for health care workers, and in September they threw out a bid to injunct […]