
About nauman

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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
1 09, 2021

86% of children suffered an adverse reaction in the Pfizer trials

September 1, 2021|Education, Health|0 Comments

86% of children suffered an adverse reaction in the Pfizer trials useful data here to arm yourselves with if going into battle for the kids!

1 09, 2021

Excellent visuals on workings of mRNA vax in your body

September 1, 2021|Health|0 Comments

Excellent visuals on workings of mRNA vax in your body from Dr Charles Hoffe (the lovely Canadian pHysician who started speaking out earlier this year about  adverse reactions in his patients) only 10 mins.  Demonstrates the way this vaccine causes millions of tiny blood clots and the long term damage that will lead to and deaths I’m afraid.

(or […]

1 09, 2021

Roundtable Discussion with 14 Doctors

September 1, 2021|Health|0 Comments

Roundtable Discussion with 14 Doctors (set up by Awareness Foundation – never heard of this before but seems to be UK based).

Includes Richard Fleming, Robert Malone, Tess Lawrie, Ryan Cole, Prof Cahill, Dr Lee Merritt etc

The whole thing is fascinating but particularly interesting discussion about vax shedding/ vax transmission and its reality/ risk etc.  These Doctors do not […]

1 09, 2021

The swabs and what was in them

September 1, 2021|Health|0 Comments

Anyway, remember a couple of months ago there were lots of videos going around about the swabs and what was in them. There were concerns about nano-particles and possible Morgellens fibres. Also people have raised concerns about them being sterilised with Ethylene Oxide (which is cancer-causing but quite frankly not in tiny amounts). More concerning than all of this is what […]

1 09, 2021

Study Shows Covid Vaccines Cause More Harm Than Good

September 1, 2021|Health|0 Comments

This is dynamite – this study shows that the vaccine manufacturers fiddled the figures. Covid vaccines cause more severe health outcomes than they stop.

“Results prove that none of the vaccines provide a health benefit and all pivotal trials show a statistically significant increase in ‘all cause severe morbidity’ in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group.”