
About nauman

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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
10 10, 2021

UK Column Report Coronavirus: Stabilising the Code

October 10, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Coronavirus: Stabilising the Code

Most people following the devastating serious injuries and deaths the vaccines are causing will have encountered the phrase ‘compromised immune system. This UK Column article describes the growing understanding true science has for what is being done to the human lab rats who have taken the experimental gene therapies without informed consent.

And we have only just started finding […]

10 10, 2021

France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: Covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”

October 10, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

UK Column’s Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson interview Professor Christian Perrone and Dr Anne-Marie Yim

This interview is a damning indictment of French and British Government policy on Covid. So many opportunities to allow traditional medical science and method to deal with the emergent ‘pandemic’ have been cast aside in favour of a deadly […]

10 10, 2021

Is There a Covid Vaccine Cancer Is There a Connection?

October 10, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

This article contains a very important reference to the UK Column “Stabilising the Code” article below. Each article is powerful in its own right, taken together they are a tremendous piece of research journalism.

Good doctors and scientists are witnessing and documenting the emergence of serious medical conditions correlated with the experimental gene therapy jabs. One of those conditions appearing much higher […]

10 10, 2021

Michael O’Bernicia On The Good Vibrations Podcast | Treason & Justice

October 10, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

The Bernician returns to talk to Mark Devlin on the Good Vibrations Podcast Episode 201 – Treason and Justice, to relate the latest struggles and victories in the Private Criminal Prosecution for Mass Murder by Government Policy against the British Government.


For more of Mark Devlin’s work please visit his website:

10 10, 2021

The Flood of Truth Vs The Rothschild Cartel, Common Purpose and Our Good Death

October 10, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

So many voices being raised against tyranny world wide, its good to see and hear. To simply oppose it in your heart and in your words is the route to freedom.

Here are a few; I wish I could showcase more but happily the stream of suppressed whispers is becoming a flood of loudly spoken truth.

Here are just a […]

9 10, 2021

A new Parliamentary Bill is placing the responsibility for any compensation

October 9, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

And notice this – in New South Wales, Australia – a new Parliamentary Bill is placing the responsibility for any compensation to be paid after mandated jabs ON the Employer! That might wake a few up

9 10, 2021

“Covid” PCR test was developed without isolated samples

October 9, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Published on 21st July 2021: FDA document admits “Covid” PCR test was developed without isolated samples for test calibration, effectively admitting it’s testing something else.

A document just released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) openly admits that the infamous PCR test for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was developed not with actual samples, but rather with what appears to be […]