
About nauman

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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
12 11, 2021

The courts are backing the Covid vaccine madness

November 12, 2021|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

The courts are backing the Covid vaccine madness

By Sally Beck, The Conservative Woman, November 9, 2021

IN THE last few weeks the High Court has thrown out two big Covid vaccine legal challenges. Last Tuesday they said No to a judicial review to stop mandatory vaccination for health care workers, and in September they threw out a bid to injunct […]

12 11, 2021

UK High Court Judges Abandon The Nuremberg Code Humanity And Justice

November 12, 2021|Health|0 Comments

UK High Court Judges Abandon The Nuremberg Code Humanity And Justice

British Justice was not well served this week. In a landmark ruling of ignorance, arrogance and contemptible but oh so expedient logic High Court judges refused a Judicial Review into the use of ‘vaccine’ mandates for healthcare workers.

Below is a Conservative Woman article which fairly describes what happened in […]

10 11, 2021

Robert Kennedy’s new book on the “Real Anthony Fauci”

November 10, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

Finally, Robert Kennedy’s new book on the “real Anthony Fauci” is out on 16th November.  I hear it’s a great read – Order a copy before it gets banned!

10 11, 2021

Cases of myopericarditis has increased massively in all groups

November 10, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

But the data doesn’t lie – this is a screen shot from The Highwire a couple of weeks ago – As you can see the number of cases of myopericarditis has increased massively in all groups but particularly the 18 – 24 year old males (taken from the CDC’s own figures)

10 11, 2021

Yellow Card Adverse Event Reporting

November 10, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

Yellow Card Adverse Event Reporting = And in case you’re not aware of it yet

is where you report an adverse reaction but they have made it incredibly hard to find the data on the Vax adverse reactions but they do publish here weekly

UK Column has created a much better searchable database for the same data […]

10 11, 2021

Dr Chetty talks about how the Vax will kill people over time

November 10, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

Dr Chetty talks about how the Vax will kill people over time so that no connection is made with the jab and the nonsense of being forced to take it to protect others.  Quite cogent –

South African Physician Dr. Shankara Chetty Talks about “The Bigger Plan”

10 11, 2021

Governor Newsom got the booster shot and hasn’t been seen since

November 10, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

Governor Newsom (Mr Strict-lockdown in California) got the booster shot and hasn’t been seen since.  And it looks like he really did get jabbed – not the fake jabs we were seeing last year. Strange! I could have sworn he was one of them.

More on this story here:

10 11, 2021

Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee

November 10, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee, has recently spoken out at a public meeting alongside the lawyer Thomas Renz and presented the evidence she has that you are more likely to get Covid if you have had the jabs than not – pretty compelling