
About nauman

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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
17 11, 2021

Elana Freeland talking about the MK Ultra mind control programme

November 17, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Another interview here with Elana Freeland talking about the MK Ultra mind control programme run by the Tavistock Institute in London and the CIA.  Huge numbers of kids were put through this process (trauma, drugs, pain) to create disassociation and people who can easily be controlled.  It is quite possible that large numbers of our politicians and celebrities have been through […]

17 11, 2021

This is an amazing conversation with Elana Freeland

November 17, 2021|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

This is an amazing conversation with Elana Freeland who has clearly been investigating all this stuff for years.  She talks about the transhuman agenda and the way the jabs are being used to bring about changes to our DNA with the ultimate purpose of making us controllable.  She has lots of fascinating things to say about the bigger spiritual picture, also […]

17 11, 2021

Interesting talk here from Clifford Carnicom, who has been investigating “chemtrails”.

November 17, 2021|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

Following on from my chemtrail rage last week I have been looking a bit more into this phenomenon.  Very interesting talk here from Clifford Carnicom, who has been investigating “chemtrails” and what they might be about for over 20 years.  He talks about some of the metal salts (nano-particles) in the aerosols and how they can be used to create an […]

17 11, 2021

Fascinating interview with Gregory Paul Martin

November 17, 2021|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

Fascinating interview with Gregory Paul Martin (son of Beatles Producer George Martin)

With James Delingpole  (audio version)  (video interview)

Gregory is an astrologer and in fact is advising Reiner Fuellmich on the best time to take forward his legal case – and says if he starts it on this date he will win.  I love what this […]

15 11, 2021

How Dr. Zelenko Bypassed The “Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Ban” to Beat COVID-19

November 15, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

How Dr. Zelenko Bypassed The “Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Ban” to Beat COVID-19

P.S. I want to share my sincere gratitude for the outpouring of love and kind feedback regarding my recent interview with Dr. Zelenko.

If you’ve not had a chance to see the 8-minute video, click here to watch it now.

12 11, 2021

A Just Conclusion? I Think Not.

November 12, 2021|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

A Just Conclusion? I Think Not.

Am I being a bit naive in assuming that judges selected to sit in one of the highest courts of the land, whose judgments affect the lives of millions, should have a more than passing acquaintance with, or at least attempt to obtain, the science behind scientific arguments they are called upon to weigh?

Far from being […]