
About nauman

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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
5 01, 2022

Trying to make heart attacks among young people seem normal

January 5, 2022|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

Meanwhile the Government agencies and others are now trying to make heart attacks among young people seem normal.  Are people really falling for this?  I’ve heard it mentioned that maybe TOO much exercise can be bad for the young.  And the British Heart Foundation brought out an advert featuring a young female football player collapsing on the pitch

2 01, 2022

Oera Linda

January 2, 2022|Health|0 Comments

Oera Linda – Very fascinating interview with Jan ott by Catherine Austin-Fitts about an ancient text (compiled between 2000 and 1000 BC in old Friesian.  It is basically a text about freedom and how to stay free.

Who shall govern? How shall we govern ourselves? Why must we be honest and keep our word? How shall we raise our children, and what […]

2 01, 2022

Israeli man who’s head appears to catch on fire from the inside out!

January 2, 2022|Health|0 Comments

Disturbing video showing Israeli man who’s head appears to catch on fire from the inside out!  The possible explanation given is that it is connected in some way with the jabs – maybe the GO or other metallic nano-particles in his brain: he has then perhaps come into an area of high EMFs, perhaps 5G.  I can’t vouch for its authenticity at […]