Bringing body, mind and behavior together, psychology is critical of a healthy outlook and good guidance, especially during these uncertain and fear-fueled times. Learn to recognise how psychological operations are created to manipulate your thinking and ultimately actions.
UK Medical Freedom Alliance

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance has given us permission to link to their content.
Abuse of Power in Schools and Universities
Links below provide legal letters for parents and school staff to counter misinformation on masks, isolation, vaccination and testing.

Norfolk Teenage Covid Truther
Gabriel, 19-year-old and from Norfolk, also known as ‘The Covid denier of Norfolk’, an ex-art and psychology student, provides a glimpse of a journey to awareness.
- Interviewed on the BBC East channel
- From follow conventional thinking influenced by the television media
- To awareness of the covid-19 false narrative
- By analysing the facts, distilling away the fear propaganda e.g., daily death-toll, PCR tests etc., Gabriel gained insights into the political mind games being played
- Dealing with a relationship break-up and a peer-group bent on blind compliance, Gabriel sees the urgency in protecting our freedoms
Latest Psychology News
April 2023
Australian high commissioner visits Julian Assange in prison and declares that the WikiLeaks founder’s case has dragged on too long
Australia's High Commissioner to the UK Stephen Smith has visited jailed WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (pictured) - who is Australian - at a British prison Stephen Smith visited jailed Australian Julian Assange Assange has been fighting extradition to the US for year Australia's High Commissioner to the UK has said that the case of jailed [...]
‘Bored’ cop used police database to pursue women
Brett Johnson used private police databases to find out personal details of vulnerable women. (Nine) A Victorian cop used private police databases to find out personal details of vulnerable women he was interested in pursuing sexual relationships with. He then tried to meet the women, some of whom were victims of crime, sending hundreds of [...]
We must remember Palaszczuk’s wall of barricades, imprisoning people within Queensland?
Don’t ever forget not that long ago, Queenslanders were banned by armed police from crossing the border to visit a dying relative as an inept bureaucracy failed spectacularly, writes Mike O’Connor. Dr Norman Swan. Sky News host Rita Panahi says Dr Norman Swan made “alarmist” and “false predictions” at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, [...]
Police Fatally Shoot Another First Nations Person, as Custody Death Injustice Persists
Australian police have killed yet another First Nations person. This time it was 27-year-old Aubrey Donahue, who was shot down in the northern Queensland town of Mareeba by specialist law enforcement officers, following a four-hour siege. At 11.30 am on Saturday, 25 March, Queensland police responded to a call about a 27-year-old threatening to self-harm [...]
Corruption Pervades Police Forces in Australia and United Kingdom
The headline of a report in the Age Newspaper on Wednesday 22 March 2023 read, “Gobbo seeks immunity deal to dob on police.” Gobbo refers, of course, to Nicola Gobbo; also known as lawyer X. If granted, lawyer X is prepared to provide evidence of corruption against more than a dozen current and former serving [...]
Queensland police bungle could render hundreds of officer misconduct rulings invalid
Queensland police commissioner Katarina Carroll has emailed police about a court of appeal ruling that could see hundreds of workplace disciplinary rulings challenged The Queensland police service may be forced to revoke sanctions against hundreds of officers – including police sacked or demoted for serious misconduct – after the state court of appeal ruled the [...]