Bringing body, mind and behavior together, psychology is critical of a healthy outlook and good guidance, especially during these uncertain and fear-fueled times. Learn to recognise how psychological operations are created to manipulate your thinking and ultimately actions.

UK Medical Freedom Alliance


Abuse of Power in Schools and Universities

Links below provide legal letters for parents and school staff to counter misinformation on masks, isolation, vaccination and testing.


Norfolk Teenage Covid Truther

Gabriel, 19-year-old and from Norfolk, also known as ‘The Covid denier of Norfolk’, an ex-art and psychology student, provides a glimpse of a journey to awareness.

  • Interviewed on the BBC East channel
  • From follow conventional thinking influenced by the television media
  • To awareness of the covid-19 false narrative
  • By analysing the facts, distilling away the fear propaganda e.g., daily death-toll, PCR tests etc., Gabriel gained insights into the political mind games being played
  • Dealing with a relationship break-up and a peer-group bent on blind compliance, Gabriel sees the urgency in protecting our freedoms

Latest Psychology News

April 2023

AAPS Statement Calling for Moratorium on COVID-19 Shot Mandates and Genetic Injections

By |April 8, 2023|Categories: Consent, Doctors, Fatality, Fertility, Finance, History, illness, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Research, Resistance, Vax Damage|

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons – AAPS – is a non-partisan professional association of physicians in all types of practices and specialties across the country. Since 1943, AAPS has been dedicated to the highest ethical standards of the Oath of Hippocrates and to preserving the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice [...]

ChatGPT invented a sexual harassment scandal and named a real law prof as the accused

By |April 8, 2023|Categories: Abuse, Consent, Corruption, Finance, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Politics, Privacy, Propaganda, Psychology, Social Credit, Technology|

The AI chatbot can misrepresent key facts with great flourish, even citing a fake Washington Post article as evidence (Washington Post illustration; Shutterstock) One night last week, the law professor Jonathan Turley got a troubling email. As part of a research study, a fellow lawyer in California had asked the AI chatbot ChatGPT to generate [...]

Police Powers and Responsibilities (Jack’s Law) Amendment Bill 2022

By |April 8, 2023|Categories: Abuse, Australia, Consent, Corruption, Finance, Human Rights, Inquiry, Law, Misinformed Media, Police, Politics, Privacy, Psychology, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology|

This legislation authorizes mass, suspicion less, warrantless magnetometer searches. Under these provisions a senior police officer may authorize police officers for a period of 12 hours to search members of the public in a safe night precinct or on a public transport station (and on a vehicle travelling between one station on either side) with [...]

Review of the Queensland Police Service Wanding Trial

By |April 8, 2023|Categories: Australia, Consent, Finance, Inquiry, Law, Police, Politics, Privacy, Psychology, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology|

In 2021, legislation was passed in Queensland to enable the trial of metal detecting wand use by police in two sites. The goal of the legislation is to improve detection of, and achieve reductions in, knife carrying, primarily by young people. Reduced knife-carrying is intended to lead to reduced serious violent offending involving bladed weapons, [...]

Bug briefly exposed Service NSW data to other users

By |April 8, 2023|Categories: Australia, Consent, Corruption, Digital ID, Finance, History, Human Rights, Misinformed Media, Politics, Privacy, Psychology, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology|

Service NSW has apologised for a software bug that briefly allowed users to view each others’ information on the “My services” dashboard. A Service NSW spokesperson told iTnews the issue was present between 1.20pm and 3pm on Monday, March 20. “The problem was limited to the landing dashboard when customers logged in via the website. [...]

Tas gov details data breached in GoAnywhere hack

By |April 8, 2023|Categories: Australia, Consent, Corruption, Digital ID, Finance, History, Human Rights, Inquiry, Law, Misinformed Media, Politics, Privacy, Psychology, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology|

Department of education financial data may have been stolen. The Tasmanian government’s data breach has worsened, after identifying data that "may" have been stolen via its exposure to the GoAnywhere hack. Since its disclosure earlier this week, the government has now made a “precautionary” statement that the latest investigations indicate a risk that financial data from [...]