Bringing body, mind and behavior together, psychology is critical of a healthy outlook and good guidance, especially during these uncertain and fear-fueled times. Learn to recognise how psychological operations are created to manipulate your thinking and ultimately actions.
UK Medical Freedom Alliance

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance has given us permission to link to their content.
Abuse of Power in Schools and Universities
Links below provide legal letters for parents and school staff to counter misinformation on masks, isolation, vaccination and testing.

Norfolk Teenage Covid Truther
Gabriel, 19-year-old and from Norfolk, also known as ‘The Covid denier of Norfolk’, an ex-art and psychology student, provides a glimpse of a journey to awareness.
- Interviewed on the BBC East channel
- From follow conventional thinking influenced by the television media
- To awareness of the covid-19 false narrative
- By analysing the facts, distilling away the fear propaganda e.g., daily death-toll, PCR tests etc., Gabriel gained insights into the political mind games being played
- Dealing with a relationship break-up and a peer-group bent on blind compliance, Gabriel sees the urgency in protecting our freedoms
Latest Psychology News
March 2023
21 year old dies and the TGA whitewashes its failings Another inconvenient truth out of Senate Estimates when I asked Professor Skerritt why the TGA hadn’t attached a warning label to the C-19 vaccine boxes for people with autoimmune antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). The studies he cherry picked, including the Rheumatology journal article, had no relevance to Natalie’s case. That article was the Sinopharm vaccine [...]
Smart City Observatory
In 2017, our two institutions, IMD and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), decided to join forces to produce a smart city index offering a balanced focus on economic and technological aspects of smart cities on the one hand, and “humane dimensions” of smart cities (quality of life, environment, inclusiveness) on the other. The [...]
77 percent of Americans aged 17 to 24 are unqualified physically to enter armed forces
U.S. soldier firing a weapon during a training exercise on Nov. 5, 2020. Major hurdle recruiters face is obesity. As of 2020, the prevalence of obesity in the adult population hit nearly 42 percent. It’s no secret that the U.S. military is struggling to find people who are fit for service these days. Maintaining health and [...]
Cyclone-hit New Zealand exposes the risks of a cashless society
More than 225,000 households in the North Island lost power in the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle. PHOTO: REUTERS WELLINGTON – The cyclone that tore through New Zealand last week has exposed the dangers of a cashless society, prompting the central bank to consider new ways of ensuring access to physical money when power and telecommunications [...]
Is that streetlight watching you – and eavesdropping too?
A SILICON Valley veteran who has worked on video and camera technologies for more than 20 years is warning that we are sleepwalking into a digital concentration camp with digital ID at the heart of the prison. Spy cameras are already everywhere: inside our homes and on the streets in the form of CCTV, doorbell [...]
YouTube is accused of collecting data from children under 13: Father-of-three files a complaint app gathers location and device data
YouTube has been accused of breaching UK data laws that protect children Duncan McCann claims it collects information on the viewing habits of under 13s Video platform could face a fine of £17.5 million or four per cent of its turnover A father-of-three has accused YouTube of gathering data on the viewing habits of up [...]