7 11, 2022

Pfizer’s RSV vaccine for pregnant women protects newborns against severe illness

November 7, 2022|Children, Corruption, Fertility, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Propaganda, Vax Damage|

Children’s hospitals in major U.S. cities have been reporting unusually high numbers of sick patients with respiratory illnesses caused by viruses other than the coronavirus. These include respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), enteroviruses (EV) and rhinovirus (RV), which mostly cause cold-like symptoms such as a runny […]

7 11, 2022

The Australian People Have been Lied To; Covid “Vaccines” Are Not Safe – Dr. Phillip Altman

November 7, 2022|Australia, Corruption, Human Rights, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Vax Damage|

“We, the Australian people have been deceived. We have been lied to. We must face reality.  The Covid gene-based vaccines have undoubtedly failed to live up to expectations. These so-called vaccines do not prevent infection, they do not prevent transmission of infection and […]

6 11, 2022

Judicial Watch Uncovers Biden Administration Propaganda Plan to Push COVID Vaccine

November 6, 2022|Abuse, Censorship, Corruption, Finance, Human Rights, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Technology|

covid pr

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received 249 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) detailing the extensive media plans for a propaganda campaign to push the COVID-19 vaccine.

6 11, 2022

Propaganda Exposed [UNCENSORED]

November 6, 2022|Doctors, Health, Human Rights, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Research|

Ty & Charlene Bollinger discuss their new nine part docu-series

Docu-series “Propaganda Exposed [UNCENSORED]” Blows the Lid off Collusion, Corruption, and Conspiracy between Government, Tech & Pharma

Throughout the course of human history, healers have been revered and even worshiped. From Hippocrates, “The Father of […]

6 11, 2022

What’s In Those Injections? We Must Receive An Answer

November 6, 2022|Censorship, Corruption, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Psychology, Technology, Vax Damage|



“There is a professor Dr. Pablo Campra from the University of Almeira who studied the vaccines for the presence of graphene oxide using Micro-Roman Spectroscopy. It is the study of frequencies. There are frequency bands, two of […]

6 11, 2022

Confidential Pfizer Docs & Official Gov. Reports confirm Covid-19 Vaccination is destroying Immune Systems, killing Hundreds of Thousands & causing Infertility, Stillbirths & Cancer

November 6, 2022|Australia, Children, Corruption, Fertility, Health, Human Rights, Inquiry, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Pregnancy, Psychology, Vax Damage, Youth|

In 2020, your freedoms and liberties were taken away because of an alleged pandemic. You were then told that the answer to regaining those freedoms and liberties was to take an experimental injection that had not yet finished clinical trials.

Your Government lied to you about the severity of the […]

6 11, 2022

Prof. Dolores Cahill: We Are Witnessing the Rollout of Agenda 21’s Depopulation and Undermining of Society

November 6, 2022|Abuse, Australia, Corruption, Finance, GreenWash, History, Human Rights, International, Law, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, W.E.F., W.H.O.|

In mid-October, Professor Dolores Cahill spoke with Zeee Media about how the depopulation and infertility program using Covid “vaccines” fits into Agenda 21.  They also discussed digital currencies and how Agenda 21’s “demoralisation agenda,” a psychological operation, is used to undermine the rule […]

6 11, 2022

Censorship and Defamation- Weapons of Control

November 6, 2022|Australia, Censorship, Corruption, Doctors, Human Rights, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Social Credit, Surveillance|

Academic publisher Springer allows the unspeakable truth to be printed

In a stunning article published in the academic journal “Minerva”, the mainstream academic publisher Springer has allowed truth to be spoken. Minerva may not be known to many of you, but by no means is it “obscure.” It has […]

6 11, 2022

Study Details How Media, Big Tech Censored Doctors and Scientists Who Challenged COVID Narrative

November 6, 2022|Censorship, Corruption, Doctors, Health, Human Rights, International, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Psychology, Research, Surveillance, Technology|

A groundbreaking new scientific paper published Tuesday exposes the suppression and censorship of doctors and medical experts who opposed and challenged the official COVID-19 narrative.

A groundbreaking new scientific paper published Tuesday exposes the suppression and censorship of doctors and […]

6 11, 2022

Let Doctors Be Doctors

November 6, 2022|Australia, Censorship, Corruption, Doctors, Human Rights, Misinformed Media, Pharma, Politics, Propaganda, Slavery, Social Credit, W.E.F., W.H.O.|

From a member of The Australian Medical Professionals’ Society.

“Recently we have witnessed Governments, bureaucrats and media coordinate together to control public perception through censoring any non-conforming view and vilifying, marginalising and punishing anyone who questions government […]