8 09, 2022

Investigation reveals tracking by EdTech of millions of Australian school students during COVID lockdowns

September 8, 2022|Abuse, Australia, Censorship, Children, Corruption, Education, Finance, Politics, Privacy, Surveillance, Technology|

A school student shrouded in shadow, using a laptop at a home table.
The investigation found several apps used in Australia share children’s data with third-party advertisers.(ABC News: Danielle Bonica)

More than 4 million Australian school students were at risk of unprecedented tracking and surveillance during remote […]

5 09, 2022

Why The World Economic Forum (WEF) & Rockefeller Foundation Are Intent on Implementing Digital ID, Digital Currency & Social Credit Score System?

September 5, 2022|CBDC, Corruption, Digital ID, Finance, International, Misinformed Media, Politics, Privacy, Slavery, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology, W.E.F.|

On December 10th 2021, Twitter user @ThreadIrish wrote an eye opening thread about this topic. He has since been censored and suspended from the platform. Below I will summarize his 35 tweet thread that aims to connect the dots. I’ll also add some additional commentary to some of his points to give […]

5 09, 2022

Reserve Bank and Digital Finance Cooperative Research Centre to Explore Use Cases for CBDC

September 5, 2022|Australia, CBDC, Digital ID, Finance, Politics, Privacy, Social Credit, Surveillance, Technology|

The Reserve Bank is collaborating with the Digital Finance Cooperative Research Centre (DFCRC) on a research project to explore use cases for a central bank digital currency (CBDC) in Australia.

Considerable research has been undertaken by central banks, including the Reserve Bank, into the feasibility and possible technical design of […]