Medicine + Science

Bringing you the latest in the medical and scientific fields.

10 11, 2021

Maddie was a young girl in the Pfizer trial

November 10, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Maddie was a young girl in the Pfizer trial in the USA (only about 1,300 in the trial – so very underpowered anyway but one girl still damaged to this extent and this is only the one we know about as the parents decided bravely to speak out).

7 11, 2021

Letter to EMA from Finnish doctors

November 7, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Below is an email/letter from Finnish doctors to the EMA on the harms being done with the current vaccination policies.


Dr Harald Enzmann, Chair Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) European Medicines Agency (EMA);

Dr. Bruno Sepodes, Vice-chair Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) European Medicines Agency (EMA);

Dr. Sabine Strauss, Chair […]

19 10, 2021

Difference between the ONS data and the NIMS

October 19, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

This article looks at the difference between the ONS data and the NIMS – from which you get totally different numbers of unvaxxed and case numbers.  Part of the problem seems to be that we don’t actually know what the population of the UK is – the last census was in 2011.

10 10, 2021

The CIA Can Of Worms Opened By RFK Jr.

October 10, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Its brilliant… RFK Jr is a practising environmental lawyer. After 500 successful lawsuits he knows what he is talking about. It was only after a group of mothers told him about their children becoming sick after being vaccinated that he came to realise the harm the pharmaceutical companies were doing with their chemical solutions. 2Hrs long but viewed in manageable chunks […]

10 10, 2021

Blood Doctor Reveals Horrific Findings [2021-10-04] – Dr. Zandre Botha & Stew Peters (VIDEO)

October 10, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Video Link: Whats in the death jabs. Horrifying.

Seeing is believing. Some of the pictures shown by blood specialist Dr Botha during analysis of her patients is beyond her medical training and practice of 15 years. You will see before and after effects on the blood of the experimental gene therapy jabs. It is […]

10 10, 2021

UK Column Report Coronavirus: Stabilising the Code

October 10, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Coronavirus: Stabilising the Code

Most people following the devastating serious injuries and deaths the vaccines are causing will have encountered the phrase ‘compromised immune system. This UK Column article describes the growing understanding true science has for what is being done to the human lab rats who have taken the experimental gene therapies without informed consent.

And we have only just started finding […]

10 10, 2021

France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: Covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical”

October 10, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

UK Column’s Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson interview Professor Christian Perrone and Dr Anne-Marie Yim

This interview is a damning indictment of French and British Government policy on Covid. So many opportunities to allow traditional medical science and method to deal with the emergent ‘pandemic’ have been cast aside in favour of a deadly […]