Artists for Freedom

Paint a new life with a rainbow of art, music, culture and song.

5 01, 2022

The two most rigorous scientific studies to date

January 5, 2022|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

And this article in The Brownstone about the two most rigorous scientific studies to date to look at Vaxxed versus unvaxxed – although even these studies have massive defects.

5 01, 2022

India is standing up to the Pharmaceutical companies 

January 5, 2022|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

Well at least India is standing up to the Pharmaceutical companies

Why can’t our government?  Maybe we need to put a bit more pressure on our representatives!

5 01, 2022

Dr Thomas Cowan

January 5, 2022|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

Excellent interview with Dr Thomas Cowan (author of The contagion Myth) talking about the fake PCR test, why there is no virus and what could possibly be causing the Covid 19 symptoms that we have seen/ are experiencing. Is it 5G?  which is after all, the “new kid on the block”. Ends with lovely Sleeping Beauty analogy

5 01, 2022

COVID vaccines to a massive increase in heart attacks

January 5, 2022|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

A leading cardiologist in the UK has warned that a colleague of his is finding it impossible to get research published because it definitively links COVID vaccines to a massive increase in heart attacks.  Appearing on GB News, Dr. Aseem Malhotra related how he was contacted by a researcher from a prestigious British Institution who said that he had found concrete links […]

5 01, 2022

Trying to make heart attacks among young people seem normal

January 5, 2022|Artists for Freedom|0 Comments

Meanwhile the Government agencies and others are now trying to make heart attacks among young people seem normal.  Are people really falling for this?  I’ve heard it mentioned that maybe TOO much exercise can be bad for the young.  And the British Heart Foundation brought out an advert featuring a young female football player collapsing on the pitch