
About nauman

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So far nauman has created 322 blog entries.
10 11, 2021

From Stew Peters and Ask Dr Jane Ruby

November 10, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

Short vid from Stew Peters and Ask Dr Jane Ruby talking about why people react so differently to the jabs – she says there are a lot of different dosages doing the rounds – and placebos too – although they are not telling us which is which

It’s all at

10 11, 2021

Maddie was a young girl in the Pfizer trial

November 10, 2021|Medicine + Science|0 Comments

Maddie was a young girl in the Pfizer trial in the USA (only about 1,300 in the trial – so very underpowered anyway but one girl still damaged to this extent and this is only the one we know about as the parents decided bravely to speak out).

10 11, 2021

Not on the Beeb

November 10, 2021|Politics + Activism|0 Comments

Not on the Beeb have also put together an extensive list of worldwide sports stars who’ve suffered severe adverse reactions or death

And I can add another one to that: Matt Selby, who plays rugby for Norwich, collapsed after a bleed on the brain.  They’re not saying it’s the jab but they do admit these kinds of injuries are […]