Bringing body, mind and behavior together, psychology is critical of a healthy outlook and good guidance, especially during these uncertain and fear-fueled times. Learn to recognise how psychological operations are created to manipulate your thinking and ultimately actions.
UK Medical Freedom Alliance

The UK Medical Freedom Alliance has given us permission to link to their content.
Abuse of Power in Schools and Universities
Links below provide legal letters for parents and school staff to counter misinformation on masks, isolation, vaccination and testing.

Norfolk Teenage Covid Truther
Gabriel, 19-year-old and from Norfolk, also known as ‘The Covid denier of Norfolk’, an ex-art and psychology student, provides a glimpse of a journey to awareness.
- Interviewed on the BBC East channel
- From follow conventional thinking influenced by the television media
- To awareness of the covid-19 false narrative
- By analysing the facts, distilling away the fear propaganda e.g., daily death-toll, PCR tests etc., Gabriel gained insights into the political mind games being played
- Dealing with a relationship break-up and a peer-group bent on blind compliance, Gabriel sees the urgency in protecting our freedoms
Latest Psychology News
May 2023
‘Life and death situation’: Unvaccinated mum challenges hospital’s ‘no jab, no heart’ policy
A mum-of-two being denied a lifesaving transplant under a “no jab, no heart” policy claims she is being “punished” for refusing the Covid vaccine. A Melbourne mum being denied a lifesaving transplant under a “no jab, no heart” policy has accused the hospital of “ideological” discrimination for refusing the Covid vaccine. Vicki Derderian, 47, has [...]
Vaccines don’t work, masks don’t work: Everything government told us about COVID-19 was wrong
COVID-19 government lies about masks and vaccines illustration by Alexander Hunter / The Washington Times Remember when the federal government told you masks were effective against COVID-19? Yeah, they’re not. Remember when the government told you vaccines will keep you from getting the virus? Yeah, they don’t. And remember when the federal government told you [...]
Class Action Commenced Over Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries
A class action against the Australian Government over Covid-19 vaccination injuries has been filed in the Federal Court. More than 500 people are part of the class action, filed against (at least) the Australian Government, the Department of Health and Aged Care Secretary Dr Brendan Murphy and the Deputy Secretary of Health Products Regulation Group [...]
OpenAI and Sama hired underpaid Workers in Kenya to filter toxic content for ChatGPT
"OpenAI Used Kenyan Workers on Less Than $2 Per Hour to Make ChatGPT Less Toxic", 18. January 2023 [...] But the success story is not one of Silicon Valley genius alone. In its quest to make ChatGPT less toxic, OpenAI used outsourced Kenyan laborers earning less than $2 per hour, a TIME investigation has found. [...]
Here’s how the data we feed AI determines the results
Generative AI hallucinations are the least of our problems Opinion A year ago, AI was big news… if you were a data science geek or deeply concerned with protein folding. Otherwise? Not so much. But, then along came generative AI, you know it as ChatGPT, and now everybody is psyched about AI. It's going to [...]
Stan Grant and Craig Foster offend, insult, humiliate and intimidate White Australians at Coronation
The ABC has been called out by viewers after airing a ‘disrespectful’ two-hour special on the monarchy and colonialism as part of their Coronation coverage. Hosted by The Drum’s Julia Baird and Jeremy Fernandez, the discussion panel consisted of Q&A host Stan Grant, co-chair of the Australian Republic Movement Craig Foster, Liberal MP and monarchist [...]