On December 22nd, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released its latest preliminary death statistics for 2022. It only covered deaths up to the end of September.
This is what they said:
“In 2022, there were 144,650 deaths that occurred by 30 September and were registered by 30 November, which is 19,986 (16.0%) more than the historical average.”
Is 16% more deaths than average unusual?
You bet it is!
Here’s a graph showing excess deaths (more than the average of the past five years) and reduced deaths (less than the average of the past five years). (See notes at end for detailed information about the graph).
Before the highly unusual year of 2022, the highest annual increase in deaths was 4.4% which occurred in 1964 and on average over the 66-year period there was an annual 1.6% decrease in deaths.
With nearly 20,000 more Australians than expected dying in the first two-thirds of 2022 (which is all the data that has been made available to us) we owe it to them and their families to ask questions.
The toll is the equivalent of an Australian Airbus 330-300 crashing every four days (297 passengers plus staff).
Perhaps these extra deaths are all due to covid, I hear you say?
Well, according to the ABS, in 2022, 8,439 deaths were due to covid by 30th September, so if we take the ABS covid figures at face value that means 6.2% of the 16% excess deaths were due to the virus.
Of course, we must ask questions about these 8,439 extra deaths ascribed to covid! The ABS does not report how many of these people who died ‘due to covid’ had received the covid injections, which have been claimed to protect against severe illness and death.
If thousands of fully vaccinated Australians have died from covid in 2022 we need to know. It would call into question what we have been told about the vaccines’ effectiveness. We can’t just assume the vaccines are working. We need real-world evidence.
What is clear from the ABS data, however, is that, over and above these deaths from covid, 9.2% more Australians were dying in 2022 than usual – 11,547 people by September.
Thinking in terms of planes again, these non-covid deaths are the equivalent of a weekly Airbus 330-300 crash.
Why did these people die? And are Australians still dying at much greater rates than normal? Surely these questions must be answered as a matter of urgency?
But the ABS seems oblivious to the urgency. Their January 24th summary report just gave the total number of deaths to October 31st 2022 (159,965) and made no calculation of how much this was above the norm.
We have to wait until late February for the next proper ABS update even though it is clear there is a ‘deaths crisis’ going on.
If the cause was plane crashes, none of us would be catching a flight.
But the cause(s) have not been examined. And not everyone is yet aware that there are far more deaths than normal. So, we are living – and sadly some of us are dying – blindfolded and accepting that it’s OK not to know why this is happening.
It’s not OK!
During covid, in 2020, any death from covid was headline news.
In that entire year 906 people died of the disease. But now more than that number of Australians is dying every fortnight without proper explanation.