Screenshot of Nick Alexander, Josh Alexander, and Monty Walker from their February 15 appearance on the Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson show on Rumble
Screenshot of Nick Alexander, Josh Alexander, and Monty Walker from their February 15 appearance on the Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson show on Rumble

Josh Alexander said if adults don’t stand up to save Canada, he and his brother and friend are ready.

Josh Alexander, a Grade 11 student suspended and arrested at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario for opposition to transgender ideology, made his statement on the Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson Show on Rumble February 15. She entitled the program, “Canadian Student Kicked Out of School For Stating Biological Fact.” 

Alexander appeared with his older brother Nick Alexander and their friend Marty Walker. The three students wore red “Save Canada” hats for the live interview.

“Me [Josh Alexander] and Monty here organized student walkouts in solidarity to the freedom convoy in the public board. And after that was over, I had been suspended three or four times, I just decided it’d be best if I moved to the Catholic board.

“And not long into my time there, I was informed … male students were using the female washrooms and they [females] were obviously disturbed and uncomfortable with this. So I decided to speak up about it when it entered a class discussion.”

In the fall of 2022, Alexander pursued the issue with the principal who reportedly told the student, “I’m not going to pursue your personal crusade … I’ll have to hear it from a female student as well.” Alexander persuaded a female student to speak to him, but the principal was not compelled to act. So, Alexander held protests.

“They suspended me two days before the protest started, so they actually had an opportunity to go class to class and intimidate the students… [T]hey threatened with loss of transportation [to school], they said it would ruin their reputations… It wasn’t very professional,” Alexander said.

“They were attempting to make an example of me… [T]he night before my day of scheduled return [to class], I was informed I was now excluded from the high school because they felt … my presence would be ‘detrimental to the physical and mental well being of the pupil… The exclusion had no lawful basis, and I just started to attend. After I got home that day, they gave me a trespassing notice and another suspension for attending class. That trespassing notice went till January 31. And … I believe I’ve lost all four credits from that semester.”

Things did not improve when Alexander started the new semester February 6. He was barred from any class that included the transgender student, which was two of his four classes. He and his lawyer said such conditions were unlawful, and he would not abide by them when he returned to school.

“A few minutes into my time there on February 6, I was brought to the office, and my lawyer was on the phone at the time. And the principal kind of stood in front of the exit of the office and told me there’s some people on the way to see me, and two Ontario Provincial Police officers walked in. They told me I was trespassing. I explained to them the situation that I was merely excluded from the school because of my religious beliefs, and I was going to continue to attend as any other student would. And, yeah, they read me my rights, escorted me out of school, put me in the back of the cop car.”

Thompson asked how this was happening at a Catholic High School when he was defending a Christian perspective.

“They definitely quote Scripture … but at the same time, for every crucifix on the wall, there’s also a pride flag. And there’s a lot of gender ideology and encouragement of gender dysphoria. 

“Even male breastfeeding gets encouraged by the teachers. That’s actually one of the main allegations against me. That was one of two teachers I heard in my short time at that school, who encouraged and endorsed gender dysphoria, or sorry, male breastfeeding. I called it pedophilia and that’s one of the allegations that still holds to this day against me.”

When asked if the school still believed God made them “man and woman,” Alexander said, “I don’t know where they were in relation to that topic, necessarily. But I do know, not too long ago, they used to have a pro life club, and it seemed to have been more of a traditionally Catholic school. But that’s not the case anymore, evidently.”

Nick Alexander said the school seems more into transgender ideology than when he attended. He told his own arrest story from January 31 for carrying Canadian flags on Parliament Hill.

“The PPS [Parliamentary Protective Service] … wasn’t allowing a group of people with Canadian flags on the hill. They were trying to argue the pole was too big. And we pulled out the regulations on the hill, and it wasn’t … I was never asked to leave. And one of the PPS guys just attacked me and placed me under arrest for obstruction and trespassing, and then took me down to the station, ran me through, and released me after about half an hour.”

Walker was also arrested on Parliament Hill. Another day, as Josh Alexander explained, the teens organized an event outside Ottawa’s National Art Centre.

“We’d communicated with police liaison and informed them that we would, in fact, have a protest to the drag queen story time that was happening in the NEC … I had my megaphone, and we were quoting scripture and giving the gospel. And we got surrounded and attacked, pinned up against the wall, they stole my hat. They hit us a bit, but then police rushed in. And instead of stopping our assaulters, they decided to grab us and throw us into traffic. And then they ended up arresting my brother for being in traffic after they threw him there.

“And after he had been released, I went to walk back towards my protesters, the people that were on our side, and I was still quoting scripture, I believe it was John 3:16, through the megaphone. And police told me if I didn’t stop using the megaphone, I’d be arrested. And I continued to exercise my freedom of expression and religion.

“And they grabbed me, cuffed me… They take off my camera equipment, almost $600 in equipment, and they’ve stole it. It hasn’t been returned. And I was in the cruiser about two hours, and then they drove me off into the city, provincially charged me, and then left me.”

Thompson asked Josh Alexander if he was shocked he was being arrested in Canada for saying there were two genders.

“The main goal, the main narrative here, is to break the family unit. So, they’re starting this attack in the education system. As you can see, they’re getting to them while they’re young and impressionable. And they’re manipulating and confusing the youth of our country in hopes of destroying God’s natural order of traditional femininity and traditional masculinity. And so they’re concerned to see young people who are personally influential and going against the grain.”

Nick Alexander agreed.

“It’s just a really clear effort. Anytime anyone stands up or has the backbone to stand up to their agenda, they arrest them and allow the mob to attack them and don’t do anything about it. Yeah, it’s a very clear assault on the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and now all of our liberties that our forefathers fought and died for,” he said.

Monty Walker had similar thoughts.

“They’re promoting mental illness. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. There’s no going around that. It doesn’t matter how nicely you put it. It is pretty disgusting, especially since they’re doing this in schools with little children, and having drag queens, which are men in skirts and tights, dancing around children. So, seeing all this going on, it’s pretty disgusting, especially coming from a Christian background, or even just a normal background.”

Josh Alexander agreed that gender dysphoria is a mental health issue and said he does not place blame on the student the school claims to protect.

“A lot of people have been quite frustrated with me over the stance I’ve taken in my school and the amount of times I’ve shared this exact same message, that my issue is not with the individual student that has been manipulated and corrupted by a system and a family, or a lack of a family, I should say,” Alexander explained.

“I have sympathy for them because they’re a victim of this society. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to tolerate and stand by as they complete a perverted action. Like the famous saying, hate the sin, not the sinner.”

Thompson posted the Liberty Coalition Canada webpage “I stand with Josh Alexander” which helps raise funds the organization’s legal defense on his behalf. She asked the young men where they got their courage.

Walker said, “Going out there and seeing how much evil there is in the world, seeing how people act out there, there kind of has to be a force of good. And also, my beliefs and my Christian beliefs have taught me what to do and how to act. And it’s just going out there and doing this morally right. It’s not really that complicated to me.”

Nick Alexander said, “When you look out into the world, and you see the wave of indoctrination, the perverted actions, the iron grip of tyranny closing around us, especially as a Christian, I think we have an obligation to stand up and stand defiant to what is morally wrong, and what’s harmful to those around us and to future generations.”

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