who had the Covid injections and then fell with devasting adverse events, permanent disability and, sometimes, even death. Having complied they are now shunned and mostly ignored by Government agencies and, ignored by the main media.
The silence is deafening.
This is the forest of the fallen.
Please click the link below to access the files needed to make your own Forest of the Fallen. Give a voice to the vaccine injured and those who’ve died from this insane experiment!
When the VaxXed Bus was in Victoria back in November, the Polish group, Solidarity, lent us their sticks as they called them. These were about 60 or so A-4 laminated posters on tomato stakes depicting stories of Australians who had reacted to COVID jabs. Everywhere we displayed them, people came up to read. Everywhere they read, they cried or were moved by the personal experiences of those who’d ‘done the right thing’ and taken part in the COVID experiment.
In Tasmania, Selkie who had constructed a display of over 500 of these sticks to put on the lawn of Parliament House, printed, laminated and donated over 50 of them for us. Everywhere the bus parked, we displayed these stories – like here in St Helens.
That’s Nina in the yellow shirt, talking with someone who stopped to look them over. All up, thousands of people would have seen and read these sticks while we were in Tasmania – such a powerful way to get the message across!
Roobs of Roobs Flyer Magazine, caught up with the Bus in Richmond (an absolutely stunning and historic town!) and videoed our sticks there, calling it the Walk of Heartache.
Make your own Forest of the Fallen – spread information
If you would like to make up some sticks of your own – 5, 10 or 500 – the choice is yours, here is the link where you can download them. The cheapest way is to print them up (laser printing is preferable because the ink won’t run if it gets wet), buy a cheap laminator and laminating sheets and get some tomato stakes and duct tape to attach them.
Maybe get a group together to split the cost? Set them up in your local park or somewhere public – you don’t need to talk – the stories speak for themselves!
Once again, you can click here to download the stories and there are new ones coming out all the time, sadly, on Jab Injuries Global which includes our own local Jab Injuries Australia.
Source – https://informedchoice.substack.com/p/forest-of-the-fallen-putting-names