3 08, 2022

Fertility Issues; Senior Australian Dr. Reported to have been Sacked for Refusing C-19 Jab and for Trying to Publish Data Showing that 74% of Vaccinated Women in His Practice Suffer Miscarriage.

August 3, 2022|Australia, Censorship, Corruption, Doctors, Fertility, Misinformed Media, Politics, Vax Damage|

Silencing the messenger won’t make the message go away. It will mean we aren’t roused to action until it is very late! Philippines birth rates were already plummeting; a similar drop = depopulation!

A recent paper just published in Science and reported here, original preprint paper here,

24 07, 2022

Bill Shorten intervenes to remove ‘birthing parent’ from medical forms amid criticism

July 24, 2022|Australia, Censorship, Corruption, Fertility, Misinformed Media, Politics|

Bill Shorten has intervened to stop a trial of the term “birthing parent” being used on medical forms at several hospitals, amid criticism in News Corp’s Daily Telegraph that the term amounted to “woke erasure”.

The term birthing parent was used in a trial at three hospitals on Services Australia […]

22 07, 2022

Investigating trends in those who experience menstrual bleeding changes after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination

July 22, 2022|Fertility, International, Research, Vax Damage|


Early in 2021, many people began sharing that they experienced unexpected menstrual bleeding after SARS-CoV-2 inoculation. We investigated this emerging phenomenon of changed menstrual bleeding patterns among a convenience sample of currently and formerly menstruating people using a web-based survey.

In this sample, […]

11 07, 2022

Exclusive Investigation of Confidential Pfizer Documents finds COVID Vaccination is going to cause Mass Depopulation

July 11, 2022|Censorship, Children, Corruption, Fertility, Inquiry, International, Law, Misinformed Media, Politics, Pregnancy, Psychology, Vax Damage|

Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to mass depopulation.

This is a pretty bold claim to make. ‘Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder. 

But unfortunately, these bold claims are now backed up with a mountain of evidence, and most of that evidence can […]

9 07, 2022

Fertility concerns for women with study by Luongo et al.: “SARS-CoV-2 Infection of Human Ovarian Cells: A Potential Negative Impact on Female Fertility”; spike risk to ovarian cells (vax or infection)

July 9, 2022|Fertility, International, Research, Vax Damage|

In vitro study reveal susceptibility of human ovarian cells to infection’s spike (& thus to vaxx’s spike), suggesting a detrimental effect on births, female human fecundity & fertility of COVID vaxx

A massive fertility (fecundity) decline is coming and may have started already! We are at risk now of […]

30 06, 2022

New Data From Ichilov Hospital: A drop in the number of live births starting 9 months after the beginning of vaccine rollout.

June 30, 2022|Children, Fertility, Inquiry, International, Pregnancy|

Faced with numerous reports of menstrual cycle disruptions following mRNA vaccination, health authorities have claimed that even if there is a rise in complaints, it’s only temporary discomfort. However, new data released by Ichilov show a drop in the number of live births, beginning exactly 9 months after the vaccine rollout began.