Monthly Archives: March 2021

30 03, 2021

World Wide Rally for Freedom & Democracy – Tom and Jerry at it’s best

March 30, 2021|News|2 Comments

London, Amsterdam, Paris, Kassel and … since the legendary Tusenmannamarschen on March 6th, a veritable breach of the dam for democracy, also Stockholm: Around the world, people gather on March 20 to protest the disproportionate corona measures and to defend their freedom.

While the demonstrators and policemen in Stockholm […]

23 03, 2021

Welcome to the Psychology support sessions!

March 23, 2021|Uncategorized|3 Comments

The world is changing at a rapid pace with little or no accounting for the widespread repercussions on our psychological, emotional and mental health. Here at the WFA different psychologists, mental health professionals and healers have come together globally, from varying modalities, races and religion, to create a platform devoted to highlighting these repercussions and offer support to find solutions to […]

16 03, 2021

The Tusenmannamarschen in Stockholm – A 4:0 victory for democracy!

March 16, 2021|News|16 Comments

by Stella Kongonis

Sweden’s special way of dribbling through the pandemic without masking and lockdown is no longer tolerated on the global playing field, it seems. Without an increase in deaths, the measures are continuously tightened. Compared to Germany it still feels as if you have landed on another planet because almost all cafes, restaurants, sports facilities and shops are open and […]

5 03, 2021

Violations of human rights

March 5, 2021|News|32 Comments

UPDATE:  the woman has been released and the police and health authorities charged

The Finnish police broke into the home of a woman entrepreneur with “suspicion of a coronavirus”, and forcibly retrieved her from her home to take a COVID-testing in Iisalmi. The shocking arrest happened in the presence of her 11 year old child.

At the hospital, […]
