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Official WDA independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures.
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Malue: "What are the odds of transmission of the [bird flu] virus to humans?"

Meryl: "12 thousand farm workers were under surveilance and they found 9 cases... 1 person reported 4 days of fatigue, all the rest of them had pink eye or a cold"

Malue: "That's it"
Forwarded from Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel (Mike Yeadon)
But they also look at patterns, trends and prior events. Once you do that, I believe that the conclusion of deliberate deception over long periods of time is irresistible. I’ll finish with vaccines. I accepted the stories about them, too. But I no longer do. The entire facade is fake. No vaccine does what we’re told. Some are more dangerous than others but none work. This has been an astonishingly devious deception. A very successful one. Other dots almost join themselves if you play out the thought experiment. Vaccines are the only category of product that may not be questioned or challenged. If you’re a doctor, doing so will end your career. But even if you’re a lawyer or a dentist, you’ll soon find your regulatory body warning that if you persist, there’ll be adverse consequences for your continuing practice. Why is this? I believe that the deception was set in train a very long time ago because far sighted and deeply unpleasant people foresaw circumstances where particular uses of injectables was to arise. We’re in those times now. Covid is entirely faked. The injections masquerading as vaccines are designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors.

To those who might say “this is conspiracy theory!” I reply there is a conspiracy. There’s nothing theoretical about it.

I must go now. But you probably know, I hope, that the narrative surrounding “human caused climate catastrophe” and “net zero” are from top to bottom a lie. Not in any way a mistake. A carefully selected lie. There are talks from Nobel prize winners and lifetime climate scientists explaining how none of it is true, not even the basic science is true.

In the late 1960s, a group called The Club of Rome was established. They had several missions, one of which was to select plausible global threats that required global solutions. The idea was ultimately to delete the notion of nations with borders and differing policies. Common threats that plausibly required supranational intervention were carefully sifted.

Guess what they chose?
Climate change & pandemics.

Mistakes Were Not Made.

Best wishes
Forwarded from Andrew Bridgen
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"You should go to prison, not the European Commission," Polish MEP Ewa ZajaczKowska-Hernick tells Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. The latter has secured a second term despite a ruling by the EU's General Court yesterday that the Commission she led did not give the public "sufficiently wide access" to its vaccine contracts. Ms von der Leyen's husband was previously the director of a Pfizer-owned biotech company.
I wonder what Ms ZajaczKowska-Hernick would think of Rishi Sunak's connections to Moderna?
Forwarded from Dr Aseem Malhotra
Media is too big

The mRNA jab is the most horrific medical product in history

‘Should never have been administered to a single human’

Thousands of doctors calling for its suspension through @TheHopeAccord

Trump must admit he was wrong on operation Warp Speed!


Forwarded from orsolya gyorffy
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ICJ Rules Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Land Illegal, Orders Evacuation of Settlements

The landmark case at the World Court requires Israel to cease all new settlement activities and evacuate all Jewish settlers from the occupied Palestinian territories

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued its advisory opinion on 19 July ruling that Israel’s occupation and policies in the occupied Palestinian territories, namely the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza, are illegal under interntional law.

ICJ President Nawaf Salam stated: “The sustained abuse of Israel of its position as an occupying power through annexation and an assertion of permanent control over the occupied Palestinian territory and continued frustration of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination violates fundamental principles of international law and renders Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territory unlawful.”

In addition to ruling that Israel’s continued presence in the occupied territories is unlawful, the court stated that Israel is under an obligation to bring its presence there to an end as soon as possible.

The ruling added that Israel must immediately cease all new settlement activities and evacuate all settlers from the occupied Palestinian territories.

Further, the State of Israel must make reparation for the damage caused to Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The court ruled as well that the UN and its member states have an obligation not to recognize Israel’s occupation as legal and must not provide Israel assistance in maintaining the occupation.

Finally, the court ruled that the UN, including the General Assembly and the Security Council, should consider steps to bring Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territory to an end as soon as possible.

In its ruling, the court affirmed previous UN resolutions stating that it is illegal under international law to acquire territory by force and change conquered territory by transferring a foreign population within its borders for settlement.

The Israeli army conquered and occupied the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza in 1967. Since that time, Israel has continued its military rule over Palestinians while confiscating occupied Palestinian land to build settlements for Israeli Jews.

➡️ The Cradle
Forwarded from Andrew Bridgen
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Farmer Keith Andrews explains how the government is paying farmers - handsomely - to leave food rotting in the ground. Why would any government do this?