“Negligence”, “malfeasance” and “breach of statutory duty claimed in Federal Court

Will those responsible for the arguably the biggest man-made disaster of all time be finally held to account? We will see. It will not only be a test of the science but it will be a test of our legal system which, so far, has declined to consider the scientific arguments and data despite enormous efforts on the part of many who see the damage being done (including myself as one of the ExpertWitnesses).

Those bureaucrats at the forefront of the disaster are now leaving.

Professor Skerritt *head of the TGA) retired on April 18.

Brendan Murphy (Australia’s Chief Health Officer) has announced his intention to retire on July 6.

Read the details of the case by CLICKING HERE.


Listen to one of his last commentaries on 19 April 2023 (16 minutes) – the one which probably led Rupert Murdock to dismiss him CLICK HERE TO VIEW.

One of the most informative, clear thinking news commentators of all time, Tucker Carlson , is regrettably leaving the most popular cable news spot on Fox News. His erudite analysis of wokeness and geo-political events separated him from the main stream news hacks who are feeding us well constructed propaganda on an industrial scale 24/7. If you did not watch Tucker, you missed out.


My readers will recall I predicted that the gene-based so-called COVID-19 “vaccines” would never be fully approved…they would just fade away with little fanfare and never be recalled due to safety issues. Silly me. How wrong could I be?

Much to my surprise, the TGA announced:

“On 21 April, the TGA approved Moderna Australia’s application to transition its COVID-19 vaccine, SPIKEVAX (elasomeran), from provisional to full registration. This is the first COVID-19 vaccine to have received full registration.”

“Vaccination remains the most effective way to protect yourself from serious disease, hospitalisation and death.”

Here are the latest US deaths and serious adverse events reported under the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) which represent probably only 1-2% of the actual number of US cases due to under reporting which is widely acknowledged to occur:

These numbers are dwarfed by similar reports (both quantitatively and qualitatively) in adverse event reporting systems in Europe.

We all know it is now official that the COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent infection and it is mainly the fully vaccinated and boosted COVID patients who are occupying our hospitals. Yet the TGA public relation spin doctors are not deterred.

How could it be that a product associated with the highest incidence of death and serious adverse events in the history of the pharmaceutical industry has been granted full approval by our once proud TGA. It is astounding and heartbreaking. But, when you think about it…….it was always on the cards because the Australian government is committed to their public-private-partnership (PPP) with Moderna to build mRNA plants in Australia to pump out more injections using this platform for many other “vaccines” for years to come.

To me, it is evidence of the total capture of our TGA by the pharmaceutical industry. Henceforth, a high degree of skepticism and caution would be well advised in considering any advice coming from our TGA. It is a great pity to see such a once proud institution diminished to such a feckless and ceremonial role.

What is worse is that unelected UN elites within the WHO in Switzerland (who have diplomatic immunity and pay no taxes) are now poised to take control of our health care systems under an international Treaty (about to be approved) with the power to enforce mandates in case of so-called “emergencies” as they consider appropriate.

Source – https://phillipaltman.substack.com/p/australians-sue-government-over-thousands