In New Zealand, the current prime minister has actually banned newspapers and magazines that don’t support the government’s narrative.

The “five eyes” in geopolitical positioning have always been the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. All are English speaking and all of their original constitutions flow from the Magna Carta. To assume that all five are legitimate democracies would unfortunately be a misnomer.

Canada, Australia, and now, sadly, New Zealand, are all governed by authoritarian regimes with Canada’s war of repression against those who protested mandatory orders to take the COVID-19 vaccinations on full view when the government crushed the truckers’ convoy. Justin Trudeau’s government aggressively censors social media and is moving vigorously to restrict all gun sales- having begun with the demand to stop the sale and ownership of handguns, now blossoming into a full-fledged effort to prohibit the sale of all firearms including long rifles and shotguns.

Australia has also been extraordinarily draconian in its repression of those who refuse to be vaccinated or who insist on their free speech rights to question the vaccination.

In New Zealand, the current prime minister has actually banned newspapers and magazines that don’t support the government’s narrative. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, a protégée of World Economic Forum honcho Klaus Schwab, compared free speech online to “weapons of war” in a speech to last year’s UN General Assembly. 

New Zealand’s government recently banned the publication of New Dawn magazine, a freedom-oriented journal which had accurately reported on the illicit effort by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller to frame me for nonexistent “Russian collusion.” This is a consequence of the totalitarian mindset now dominant in New Zealand.

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