11,382,690 COVID-19 Cases and 19,207 Deaths reported during the vaccine rollout period (22/2/21 to 27/4/23)

Our Analysts have continually reviewed the number of Adverse Events and Deaths that have been reported after COVID-19 vaccination in Australia since the rollout began. They have also compared this to the number of COVID-19 related Cases and Deaths being reported over the same period.

The data shows:

  • In Australia there have been 11,382,690 COVID-19 Cases and 19,207 Deaths reported during the vaccine rollout period (22/2/21 to 27/4/23).
  • 269,998 of these Cases and 1,539 of these Deaths have only been reported in the last 3 months (27/1/23 to 27/4/23).

Does this data support an Effective vaccine?

  • 138,078 Adverse Events and 985 Deaths* have been reported to the TGA after COVID-19 Vaccination since the rollout began (22/2/21 to 11/4/23).

Does this data suggest a Safe vaccine?

Science is a process of learning and discovery and sometimes what was right turns out to be wrong. The biggest mistake scientists make is to claim this is all simple and anyone who doesn’t get it is spreading misinformation. The scientific method is not simple and neither is the natural world. History provides many examples of ‘we got it wrong moments’, from Pon’s Nuclear Fusion theory to thalidomide, which was used to alleviate morning sickness during pregnancy. But it was discovered that it resulted in disabilities in children born to mothers who had used it.

This is no different to today where the data concerning the COVID-19 vaccines strongly supports them being discontinued and a full review to be immediately carried out regarding their effectiveness and any conflicts of interests surrounding this experiment.

*A case and death being reported does not prove the vaccine definitively caused the injury or death.

Source – https://www.covidmedicalnetwork.com/coronavirus-facts/statistics/safe-and-effective.aspx