16 07, 2022

Our Future Is At Stake: The Climate Agenda’s True Power & Supreme Court Ruling on EPA

July 16, 2022|Censorship, Climate Change, Corruption, Finance, Food Supply, International, Misinformed Media, Politics|

There are over 400 three-letter agencies in the U.S., many of which have been acting as their own government for over a hundred years, going unchecked while operating outside the Constitution. Their overreach has sought to control every industry from the top down, every consumer […]

9 07, 2022

UK Gov 2019 Report states all UK Airports must close within the next 10 years, beef and lamb is to be banned, and construction of new buildings must cease in the name of “Climate Change”

July 9, 2022|Climate Change, International, Misinformed Media, Politics, Psychology|

A report produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London for the UK Government reveals that all airports will be ordered to close, eating beef and lamb will be made illegal, and construction of new buildings will not be permitted in order to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050.