It is vital as many people TODAY make submissions

CMN has made a submission to the WHO regarding its global Pandemic Treaty. It is vital as many people as possible today make submissions. At the bottom of this email is CMN’s submission. WHO only allows for 250 words. Feel free to share, use or adapt. 


WHO created an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to work out details to implement a global Pandemic Treaty planned for adoption at the 2024 World Health Assembly. It intended that the agreement be legally binding on member states.

A meeting was held yesterday April 12, 2022 and was only announced at the end of last week, leaving little time for public input, but submissions are still open until 11:00 am EST, Thursday April 13. This is an unacceptable threat to Australia’s sovereignty, and would take health decisions out of our hands;

WHO Rules for comments:

• You must answer the question: “What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?” • 250 word maximum • Responses due by 17:00 CEST (11:00 am EST) Thursday, April 13, 2022. Click below to be taken to the WHO web portal for comments! Click on “Written Submissions.” TAKE ACTION

CMN’s Submission

1 All health and emergency decisions need to stay in Australia and be decided by Australians, and all recommendations and limitations to rights in an emergency shall conform to the requirements set in the Siracusa Principles. 

2 WHO will make readily available the Siracusa Principles and promote them in each country with all guidance documents. 

3 WHO shall not exaggerate the seriousness of the diagnosis, complicate treatment, promote one approach or artificially create alarm situations in response to spurious interests, if found guilty the member states agree to permanently stop all funding and relationships with the WHO 

4 Member states require the WHO to agree to be liable if injuries and damages arises from the use of the guidelines 

5 To prevent oppression and imbalance of power the centralisation of national data, AI, Big Tech, Big Pharma, other conflicted corporations, government bureaucracy and media poses an international security threat and must be prevented at all costs 

6 Scientific process requires time, debate and dialogue, therefore persecution and censorship of diversity of opinion regarding WHO’s “evolving science” is expressly prohibited. Free and open discourse shall be protected and encouraged in the interest of the public to prevent imbalance of power and systematic violations of human rights. 

7 No treaty can be binding which confers upon the WHO the power to issue or enforce pandemic guidance which may supplant the nations constitution, written definitions and sovereign legislation. 

8 The WHO must immediately declare all annual funders and key stakeholders with full transparency and allow for independent oversight with the ability to immediately remove all conflicts of interest.

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