Have you ever thought that manipulation was possible, look around at your communities today… and see how many remain silent as;
- children are taught they are actually a different gender by a teacher, from child’s age of 14 you may not have access to their medical records (https://yla.org.au/nsw/topics/health-love-and-sex/your-rights-at-the-doctor/) , and those same teachers you pay to EDUCATE your children have been giving them puberty blockers (https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2022/04/01/school-nurse-was-suspended-for-revealing-pre-teens-secretly-being-given-puberty-b-n2605363) and teaching them to eat crickets (in USA atm but sure as s*** will be coming here https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2022/04/01/school-nurse-was-suspended-for-revealing-pre-teens-secretly-being-given-puberty-b-n2605363)
- energy costs skyrocket because – we have no resource processing plants in Australia, our fuel reserves are run to near zero, we purchase fuel from Chyna owned fuel processors located in Singapore with fuel purchased with RMB from Iran (who, reportedly, use funds to promote and pay for terrorism – with you on the list) and your tax dollars pay nations like Saudi Arabia to host dangerous solar fields here – because there isn’t desert in KSA 🤨 (https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/renewable-energy-subsidies-fight-heats-up-over-taxpayer-funds-for-saudiowned-solar-farm/news-story/a33d0927ec991f1821c86e2032ec8439)
- constitutional rights have been ripped out from them (access to water – s100, healthcare choices s51(XXiiiA) et al
- resources are sold off to foreign interests and to the very nations accused of killing the Australian people (https://www.agtrader.com.au/news/property/how-much-aussie-farmland-is-foreign-owned)
- Aboriginal elders are being murdered via a ‘jab’ that, when dead, removes the tribes ‘rights’ to the land (https://truthcomestolight.com/australian-aboriginal-leader-lurnpa-on-the-genocidal-land-grab-in-the-northern-territories-the-real-agenda-behind-the-unfolding-medical-tyranny/)
Is it clear WHY some secret societies hold their members (who get the top jobs) loyal to them under pain of death… ?