The plan for a cashless society.

Over the course of the pandemic, there has been a steady rise in the amount of propaganda in the legacy media about the so-called merits and inevitability of a cashless society

And, yes, our friends at the World Economic Forum also think a cashless society is a good idea too.

With everything digital, they say, you get greater convenience, a decrease in illegal activities such as drug trade, tax fraud and money laundering along with eliminating the exchange hassle when buying foreign goods or traveling abroad.

The reality, however, is that eliminating paper cash may be nothing short of a pure nightmare. 

That’s because a cashless society is one where individual freedom is more at risk.

Imagine this: You are dissatisfied with your government and take to the streets to protest against them. 

The next day, you get news that your digital accounts have been frozen, you don’t have any cash and you cannot ask anyone for any cash, as it simply doesn’t exist.

Effectively, overnight, in a cashless society, a person, no matter how financially well-off, could become destitute. 

Already we have seen precedents set in this regard. 

In Canada, the globalist puppet Justin (Castro) Trudeau froze bank accounts of truckers protesting against vaccine mandates, and those financially supporting them. 

In Communist China, the accounts of many citizens were arbitrarily frozen and those who protested were beaten by police.

Cash is good specifically for the reason we are told is its disadvantage: lack of monitoring. 

Authoritarians hate not being able to monitor and thus control you.

Imagine another scenario: You are wanted by government authorities for political wrong-think and decide to go off grid to escape persecution. 

How would you manage if your accounts are frozen? 

The only means is through hard cash, which — in a cashless society — no longer exists.

This is perhaps why — of all places — North Korea, which is so technologically behind the rest of the world, is still pushing towards a cashless economy

Among their key reasons is to deter citizens from defecting to other countries. 

With no cash to give to the ‘brokers’ in China helping them escape, it will become virtually impossible for anyone to flee the North Korean regime.

If a centralised digital currency is developed to replace cash it is highly likely it will be a programmable currency. Even the Fed is suggesting this.

A programmable currency gives the issuing authority even greater power to control you by limiting what you can buy, how much you can spend, or where you can spend it.

Sound far-fetched? It shouldn’t. There’s already a credit card in existence that limits your spending based on climate change principles. 

Silkie Carlo, head of UK-based Big Brother Watch has recently said:

The problem with cashless society is that it is a surveillance society. And not only can governments, banks and tech companies monitor what you have earned and spent in a cashless world, they can preemptively control it too. As Agustín Carstens of the Bank for International Settlements said at an IMF talk, a centralised digital currency gives the bank “absolute control over the rules and regulations of the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.”

Transitioning to a cashless society would also benefit the globalist agenda by creating a permanent underclass: those without access to digital accounts and hence no means of sustaining themselves. 

report released in the United Kingdom earlier this year found that almost one in five people would struggle to cope in a cashless society.

These people would be ripe for exploitation as how the so-called ‘elites’ see it fit, effectively enslaving them.

A cashless society would also massively increase the power of the banks. 

That’s primarily because eliminating cash will make bank transfers the main form of legal tender and they make money off of those transfers.

Think about it: a form of legal tender that actually makes money for the banks. Is that ethical?

Also, what happens when you want to withdraw your funds? 

Right now, even with cash, the question is one worth asking.

The citizens of Lebanon, two years ago, found out they simply couldn’t withdraw all of their own money from their bank. As did those in Russia earlier this year. Citizens of Myanmar found the same last year.

There are now numerous countries where banks have bail-in powers that, in the event they find themselves in a financial crisis, they can use their customers’ funds to stay afloat.

Such countries include the United StatesCanada, the United Kingdom and all European nations via the European Union Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive.

Australians also arguably run the risk of their funds being stolen by their banks with a 2017 law giving the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority the power to declare ordinary savings deposits an instrument that can be ‘bailed in’ by banks in the event of an emergency.

Regardless, the fact you will not actually be able to withdraw funds in paper or polymer form, as would be the case in a cashless society, makes it all the more easier for banks to limit the amount you can access when you need it.

But the push for a cashless society can be defeated.

Back in 2019, there was a push in Australia to ban cash transactions of $10,000 or more. 

Then a Federal Member of Parliament, I joined with others to oppose this bad law. And we won!

All it takes is people power. That’s where you come in.

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