Dear Health Practitioner and Science Colleagues,

Please share and sign the Declaration for reforms to law governing AHPRA & TGA. This is best way to end this and stop it happening again – by putting AHPRA in its place & forcing the TGA to do its job.


Below are three essential items:

Parliamentary Health Reform Declaration & Urgent Demands (a safe to sign Declaration for health practitioner and scientist signatures)

Proposed Amendments to the National Law

Proposed Amendments to the Therapeutics Goods Act

Unlike publicly expressing opinions that deviate from the official Covid medical narrative, the Declaration is safe to sign because it is your right as a citizen and professional to request legislative change.

See legal advice here:

“Please keep in mind that no Health Professional can be sanctioned or reprimanded for seeking reform of the laws that govern them, and the laws that control how drugs enter and are regulated in our community. Indeed, it is every Health Professional’s responsibility to undertake the task of proposing legislative reform, where existing laws have been found to have failed the community, both in terms of health outcomes and for protecting Health Professionals and their standards of care.”

Julian Gillespie LLB, BJuris

Every 24 hours the Declaration below will update and add the names of new signatories.

The Declaration with the Proposed Amendments will be delivered to all Senators and Members of Federal Parliament before the next sitting, expected in June.

It is hoped that a strong showing of signatures of Australian health professionals and scientists will lead our parliamentary representatives:

1. to consider the vaccine mandates and the real scientific data more closely, and

2. to realise the importance of the proposed legislative amendments that will direct the TGA to more responsibly and transparently review and present the science underpinning provisional approvals of new products, and

3. realise the importance of the proposed legislative amendments that will preserve the practitioner- patient/client relationship, for the open discussion of risk/benefit decisions in providing Australians with the basis to give or decline true informed consent and thus respect bodily autonomy.

Even if just a few of the Senators and Members of the House of Representatives are persuaded by thousands of Australian health practitioners and scientists, these MPs will be able to raise the issues in parliament. The importance of the measures will gain appreciation, especially as the number of signatures grows.

Eventually, we believe, these Proposed Amendments have a very real chance of being enacted into law, for protecting the health and safety of all Australians, while securing rights for health practitioners to function without undue interference, being a package of reforms that will implement safeguards preventing government and agency overreach, witnessed during the recent pandemic.

Thank You

Australian Medical Professionals Society, Australian Medical Network, Nurses Professional Association of Australia, Medical Action Group, United Health Australia/Queensland Health Practitioners Alliance.

Read declaration here

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