It’s not like any war that’s ever been waged. It’s a worldwide psychological, technological, information war so subtle, so underhanded and so diabolical that most people just cannot fathom it or don’t want to know about it.

Most people shrug their shoulders and think it doesn’t matter – we’ve been controlled (enslaved) for such a long time and people are comfortable, so the idea doesn’t bother them. They’re happy to stay ignorant and submissive to this worldwide agenda, which will strip people of any kind of personal rights and choices and funnel them into robotic, artificial lifestyles. These people are not only happy to submit to that, to remain ignorant and refuse responsibility, but by their silence and submission, they condemn the world to slavery.

Then there are the people who are angry. They see the writing on the wall, more and more people are, and they want to stop it, as they should. However, these “global elite” as the “freedom movement” generally call them, know there will be people like us. Of course they have and actively use many tactics to drown, confuse and keep people chasing their tails and never actually succeeding at anything.

But also, and here’s something most people are missing… they actually want people to start seeing what is happening. They need people to “wake up” in a slow progression to create a desensitisation to the changes.

I don’t see the “waking up” of society a sign of hope, but rather of the agenda moving forward as planned.

As we should all know by now, when things are repeated over and over and over, people get used to it and eventually accept it.

Weather manipulation is starting to be known and accepted. Vaccine damage and death is starting to be known and accepted. It’s becoming normal, because they need to normalise the destruction of nature and individual human rights for people to accept and eventually submit to it.

They release their entertainment propaganda of pandemic movies and “scary weather” blockbusters to cement the subconscious fear of nature so that when it comes out publicly that they manipulating the weather and genetically modifying humanity “for our own good”, the people clap and cheer.

Just like the slow destruction of race, gender and the family unit. It’s been a subtle war, a slippery slope of demoralisation so we stop relying on our families and our people and take up the system as our family and lifeline.

We need less virtue signalling online and more people willing to accept responsibility and do the hard work in undoing the damage being waged by these people who hate humanity and nature. This work is hard, its challenging, it’s unpopular and it’s avoided by the majority of people, but it’s the only way we will take back our power.

Drowning yourself and others in information isn’t going to save us. They want you kept busy sitting around being “educated” and “opening your eyes” and less time actually DOING anything about it. Everyone is spending so much time just looking and researching and posting and arguing and not enough time healing themselves and their families, listening to one another, reaching out the their communities, supporting each other, empowering each other and building the systems we need to actually live the example of freedom we all talk about online.

The best way to save our future and claim back our freedom is to live as an example of what that looks like in our families, in our communities and in society.

Power is with the people, but only when there is unity and there will never be unity when we are not actively involved in healing and building up our communities.

So HEAL your families. Ditch the toxic foods and products. Stop supporting the major chains and corporations wherever you can – stop selling your freedom for convenience.

Link in with local farmers and growers, business owners and skilled workers – the ones owned by our neighbours. It may cost more, but you are paying for true, Australian quality and FREEDOM. The more local industry we can build up, the more power the people hold.

Stop losing yourself in the mud pit of disinformation and the trap of entertainment and convenience and start BUILDING outside the system. Build respect and build it the Aussie way. With honest, hard work, together. That is how powerful, lasting change will happen.

That is how we fight a psychological, technological, information war.

Source – anonymous