Earlier this month a physicians’ and medical scientists’ declaration was written by a team under the leadership of Dr. Robert Malone, the main inventor of the mRNA technology and a strong critic of the current official response to COVID-19. This text, which defends physicians’ right to treat corona patients with the best knowledge of early treatments and against  aggressive intrusion by governmental entities, has now gained 4,200 signatures from other physicians and medical scientists.

Speaking about the official suppression of early treatments of COVID-19, this declaration states: “This is not medicine. This is not care. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.”

As LifeSite reported, Dr. Malone originally met with a group of physicians in Puerto Rico to author such a declaration. Dr. Heather Gessling and Dr. Ryan Cole were among the physicians who met in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in early September. In a video, several of the participants of that smaller gathering speak up, among them Dr. Malone and Dr. Cole, as well as Dr. Pierre Kory. Many of these physicians are known for their courageous stance during this corona crisis in favor of truth and against the ongoing manipulations by the government and the media.

Dr. Malone subsequently read the same declaration to an audience at the 12-14 September 2021 International Covid Summit in Rome. The Summit participants also adopted this text, hence its title “Rome Declaration.”

The International Covid Summit in Rome took place in the Italian Senate and was hosted by Roberta Ferrero, an Italian senator. It concentrated on the question of early treatment protocols for COVID, some of which include Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. The conference opened with a video message from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, whom Dr. Malone then called a hero who deserves the Nobel Prize for his heroic and effective way of saving the lives of many COVID-19 patients throughout this coronacrisis.

Read More – https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/4200-physicians-sign-declaration-for-early-treatment-of-covid-19-against-govt-intrusion/