In US, ~5M people who got the vaccine are now unable to work and ~800,000 are dead. The rate of heart issues is 6.6%, far more than they claimed. No wonder our government isn’t doing these surveys!

Executive summary

Our latest poll is devastating for the official narrative: 

  1. a 6.5% rate of heart injury, 
  2. 2.6% are unable to work after being vaccinated (5M people), 
  3. 8% had to be hospitalized, 
  4. you’re more likely to die from COVID if you’ve taken the vaccine. 
  5. Almost as many (87.1% to be more exact) households lost someone from the vaccines as from COVID. 

In short, if you believe that 1M people in the US have died from COVID, then this survey indicates that 871,187 people died from the vaccine (19.14/21.97). 

Surprisingly, the ever-vigilant CDC hasn’t found anyone who has died from the mRNA vaccines. Someone isn’t telling you the truth.

Anyone can run our poll for $500 if you don’t believe us. I predict nobody in mainstream media will touch this because they don’t want to know the truth.

This is a poll that nobody who is pro-vaccine wants you to see. The poll will be ignored by the mainstream media, even when we rerun it with 8,000 people and get the same results. You can bank on that.


We used a professional to draft the survey questions and skip logic for our Jun 24 survey. After we ran that survey, we updated the survey to add additional questions for the Jun 25 survey. The following numbers reflect the results of the Jun 25 survey.

The Jun 25 survey added questions that showed that: 

Here are the key takeaways from the Jun 25 survey. We use “stratified counts” throughout since these are “normalized” based on the US demographics:

  1. 380 of the 500 were vaccinated [Q1]
  2. Only 34% of Americans are drinking the Kool-Aid and getting >2 doses [Q1]
  3. 2.63% of the households (13.15/500) had someone who died from COVID [Q19]
  4. 2.03% of the households (10.18/500) reported a death from the vaccine in their household [Q15]. This is stunning because it shows that the vaccine has killed almost as many people as COVID has. The authorities say that COVID has killed over 1M people in the US so this suggests that 774,000 people were killed by the vaccine (10.18/13.15=77.4%). How can that be a “safe” vaccine? Computed another way, there are 123M households in the US. If 2% of those experienced just one vaccine death, then that is 2.4M deaths. Even if this is overestimated by a factor of 10X, this is devastating for the vaccine narrative. There is simply no way to spin this. This is why the “fact checkers” and mainstream media will avoid this survey.
  5. 2.7% of the people who took the vaccine (10.43/380) are so injured they can’t hold a job [Q7A2]. This is a disaster. So this is 2.7% of the 200M vaccinated people ages 18 and older: >5M severely injured people who can’t work. I don’t know how they will spin this as a positive.
  6. 16.7% (63.7/380) of the people who took the vaccine consider themselves vaccine injured [Q2]. So that’s >30M vaccine injured. I don’t know how they will spin this as a positive.
  7. The survey shows a 6.6% rate of heart injury post-vaccine according to the poll (24.97/380 [Q3]). This is 1,000X higher than the CDC told us. Per Gavi, “The CDC researchers estimated there might be a maximum of 70 cases of myocarditis out of a million second doses given to boys ages 12 to 17.” How could the CDC underestimate this severe adverse event by 3 orders of magnitude?!!? There is something seriously wrong here. Our survey is well within 1 order of magnitude with other rates we’ve been told. This represents 13.3M million people who are seriously injured, probably for life.
  8. 9.2% (35/380) of the people who took the vaccine had to seek medical help for their injury. [Q4]. That’s 18M doctor visits.
  9. 6.3% (23.83/380) of the people who took the vaccine had to be hospitalized for their vaccine injury [Q5] That’s over 12M hospitalizations.
  10. 3.7% (18.83/500) of the households had a person with a heart condition due to the vaccine [Q14]. Since there are 123M households, this is 4.5M new heart conditions. This is a lower estimate than above.
  11. If you got a COVID infection, it’s 17% (36.4/30.98) [Q17] more likely that you were vaccinated, suggesting the vaccine could be making things worse.
  12. If you died from COVID, it was 72% more likely you died after getting the vaccine (6.81/3.95) [Q22]. We were told the opposite by the government.
  13. 46% are planning on getting more vaccines [Q23]. 24.6% of all people are sheep, i.e., even if it disables them, they will blindly do what the government tells them to do. These percentages are approximately what is predicted in mass formation.
  14. 65% believed that the hospital treatments for COVID may be responsible for killing people that they lost to COVID, not COVID [Q20]

The survey and underlying data

Latest survey

  1. Jun 25 Pollfish survey summary
  2. Jun 24 Pollfish survey response detail

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