Secret vaccine agreements. Manon Aubry, a French MEP from the left-wing La France Insoumise party, already on February 10 revealed the agreement reached by the European Commission with Pfizer and other vaccine manufacturers on vaccine purchases, which is almost completely censored.
Leaked information from confidential agreements that vaccine manufacturer Pfizer concluded with a large number of buyer countries, revealed slave contracts that violate legislation in each and every country. Buyers undertake to break all laws that stand in the way of mass vaccination. The buyers also undertake to bear all costs and all responsibility for the experimental jabs and waive the right to breach the agreement.
In history’s largest medical experiment with “vaccines” that have not been approved for use in humans, it is the buyers’ responsibility to defend Pfizer for causing harm, leaked documents showed. Pfizer has escaped all liability and is indemnified, arguing that side effects and the long-term effects of the injections are unknown – to the company as well. Pfizer thus admits that an insufficiently tested product is being pushed in literally billions of doses on the world market.
This means that all responsibility for costs, healthcare, etc. due to vaccine damage – no matter how large and onerous – is passed on to the taxpayers in the countries that have signed the agreements. Since the agreements put each country’s own laws out of play, they have all been signed at government level. The design of the agreements is an important explanation for why the propaganda for mass vaccination is of a totalitarian nature and does not allow for debate or questioning.
In view of the fact that the majority of those now in hospital for Covid-19 are fully vaccinated – a situation that buyers could never have anticipated – the agreements certainly appear to be criminal. The buyer countries have been forced to sign the blank agreements, without knowing what they were actually buying.
On July 28 , NBC Chicago reported that 169 people in Illinois died and 644 were hospitalized for Covid-19. Everyone was fully vaccinated. Israel with 9,3 million inhabitants was among the first to sign an agreement with Pfizer. The vaccination rate in the country is 55 percent, and 11 051 469 vaccine doses have been distributed. On June 30, the alarming news broke that fully vaccinated patients accounted for half of Covid adults hospitalized in Israel. In just over a month, the numbers have increased dramatically.